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Congressman Paul Hodes Praises Selection of Obama Economic Team

Today, Congressman Paul Hodes, member of the House Financial Services Committee, praised the selection of President-elect Barack Obama’s Economic Team including Secretary of the Treasury-designate Timothy Geithner and Chief of the National Economic Council designate Larry Summers.


Presidential Inauguration Ticket Requests-DEADLINE TO REQUEST DEC. 1

Please read the information here carefully and completely and follow the steps below to ensure that your visit to the Inaugural ceremonies goes smoothly. Because of the logistics of this event, and because we anticipate an unprecedented number of ticket requests, no exceptions can be made to the requirements listed here.


Congressman Paul Hodes Continues to Oppose Wall Street Bailout Plan

Congressman Paul Hodes released the following statement after again voting against the economic bailout plan. "I have carefully considered the arguments in favor of this bill and kept an open mind after casting a no vote on Monday. I understand the depth of our credit and economic crisis and believe that action is urgently needed.  But is this an effective action; is it the right action?"
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