November 26, 2008

Senator Wyden at a Portland News Conference

With (left to right) Portland City Commissioner Randy Leonard, Senator-Elect Jeff Merkley, and Multnomah County Commissioner Ted Wheeler, flanked by local union members

Senator Wyden in Eugene

With Mayor Kitty Piercy and local union members discussing the need for spending to improve roads and increase safety

Senator Wyden in Downtown Redmond

With Mayor-Elect George Endicott and local union members at a news conference on the need to bolster the economy with spending on road improvements

News Conference in Medford

Jackson County Commissioner C.W. Smith (left) and Medford City Council President Jim Kuntz (right) join Senator Wyden to call for more federal spending on roads.

Senator Wyden in Oregon

While home after the election, Senator Wyden called for investment in infrastructure to stimulute the economy and create jobs. Local officials joined Wyden in urging Congress to approve a second stimulus package that targets small- to medium-sized, ready-to-go infrastructure projects that create family-wage jobs by improving roads, streets and bridges. State and federal estimates show that every $1 million spend on infrastructure translates into 28 jobs and $3.2 million in total economic activity.