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Senate Bill Seeks to 'Feed America Day'

For the fourth consecutive year, the U.S. Senate has designated tomorrow, the Thursday before Thanksgiving Day, as “Feed America Day.”

Sponsored by Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), the resolution the Senate unanimously adopted encourages all Americans to sacrifice two meals and to donate the money they wo...

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A Time for Thanksgiving
At this special time of Thanksgiving, I want to extend to all of you a sincere thank you for the opportunity to serve the great state of Utah in our nation’s capital. Throughout my years of service, I have had the privilege of working on important issues for our state and working with some truly remarkable people from all walks of life and from every corner of Utah.

One of the greatest blessings in my life has been the opportunity to witness first-hand the strength of our country. As we are finishing a political season of rancorous debate and are living through a period of great financial turmoil affecting families throughout our country, I am reminded time and time again of the resiliency of our citizens and the power of our nation. America and its constitutional democracy have served as a beacon to the world for 232 years.

Men and women did not cross the seas in the early days just to find fertile land and beautiful scenery. They came to America to fill their souls with freedom – to drink deeply from the wellspring of liberty. Serving as a United States senator, I have had many opportunities to observe freedom flourishing in the hearts and spirits of many. I think often of the many times I have visited with the brave men and women who are serving in our nation’s armed forces. These soldiers are my heroes and are uppermost in my mind in this season of thanks and giving. They are sacrificing greatly for the cause of freedom and the liberties we all enjoy.

So as we give thanks this week for the gifts and blessings we each possess, my hope is that we might all take a moment to express sincere and deep gratitude for this country we call home. America is the true and greatest bastion of freedom on the earth today, and I count it among my greatest blessings. 


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