Logo of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Resources, Representative Richard W. Pombo, Chairman placed in upper left hand corner of the image.  Moving right along the top of the image, there is a long horizontal bar with the text Deep Ocean Energy, ANWR and NEPA task force.  Below both the logo and aforementioned text is a photograph of Chairman Richard Pombo in front of a microphone.  Below that image is the text stating “no is not the answer.”  To the right of both this image and text is a photograph of rooftops in front of a mountain.  Underneath this image is the text stating TESRA and Property Rights.  On the right side of this image is the photograph of a child with the text stating American energy underneath the aforementioned image.  Underneath all the stated images is a background photograph of a sunset over a canyon.
bill toolbar
  Text of the RIGHT Act Text for H.R. 4761 Text for H.R. 3824    
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live audio and video streams for rooms 1324 and 1334 longworth house office building, live streams is the text in the title, underneath this title is the text stating live audio, below the live audio text is the text stating 1324 longworth and 1334 longworth. Below is the text stating live video.  Below this is the text 1324 longworth.

Issue microsites


DOER Act sponsors issue joint statement on status of Energy Bill negotiationsb
WASHINGTON –U.S. Representatives Richard W. Pombo (R-CA), John Peterson (R-PA), Neil Abercrombie (D-HI), Bobby Jindal (R-LA), Charlie Melancon (D-LA), and Adam Putnam (R-FL), issued the following joint statement today, announcing that negotiations on pending energy legislation will continue when Congress returns to Washington in November.

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House passes bill to help
lead the international fight against ‘pirate’ fishing


WASHINGTON – The U.S. House of Representatives late last night passed H.R. 5946, the Stevens-Inouye International Fisheries Monitoring and Compliance Legacy Act.

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America's future is American Energy.  Two children running on a beach, they are holding hands.


resources video

Foreign energy is not the solution.

"No!" is not an energy policy.


10.04.06- 10 am- FFH- Okanogan, WA
Legislative Hearing

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Endangered Species Act (ESA) -
Committee Findings, Analysis of Recovery Plans
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10.04.06- 10 am- NP- Clarksville, IN
Legislative Hearing

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Endangered Species Act (ESA) -
Implementation of the Endangered Species Act of 1973
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10.10.06- 9 am- WP- Scottsdale, AZ
Legislative Hearing

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Endangered Species Act (ESA) -
TESRA Background and Need
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Department of Energy Report -
The Growing Chinese Energy Demand
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    Forest Recovery and Research -
The Science Behind FERRA
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Visit Alaska's North Slope-
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Committee on Resources - 1324 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515 - (202) 225-2761 - resources.committee@mail.house.gov