

The War in Iraq is one of the dominant issues in the country today.  I spend a lot of my time going over statistics and benchmarks of what is going on there. From the number of civilian deaths, number of IED attacks, the number of newspapers and radio stations, as well as other indicators of economic, political, and security progress.

I also spend a lot of time talking to experts, from generals, troops on the ground, to Iraq’s Deputy Prime Minister, Dr. Barham Salih. I have also had the chance to travel to Iraq two times since the conflict began. While the picture painted in my independent inquiry is bleak, there is a definite glimmer of hope.

All of the sources I use to learn more about the situation in Iraq show that the surge is working. While the situation is grave, it would turn even direr if we were to prematurely withdraw our forces or withdraw the funding that is necessary for our troops to do their job and help Iraq move forward. I firmly believe that the marketplace is ripe for new ideas but I also believe we must give General Petraeus’ plan the time it needs to affect change and improve the plight of the Iraqi people. 

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