Safe and Smart: Making After-School Hours Work for Kids - June 1998

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Chapter 3:
Communities Meeting the Need for After-School Activities

You know trouble can start when the clock hits three,
When there's no place after school for kids to be,
Nothing to do but hang out on city streets,
When Mom and Dad are working to make ends meet.

--Now It's Time to Beat the Street
Public Service Announcement, National Urban League

The following examples incorporate many of the components discussed in the previous chapter. They describe how local communities across the country are meeting the need for safe and smart after-school activities that serve young people of all ages. By addressing the needs and tapping resources within local communities, programs like these provide learning, enrichment, and recreational activities to children in safe and drug-free environments. These examples are by no means exhaustive: they are intended to illustrate the kinds of innovative, exciting after-school programs that are working in schools and communities across the country. For more information, you can reach the contact listed with each example.

[Chapter 2 What Works: Components of Exemplary After-School Programs] [Table of Contents] [ASPIRA Lighthouse Program]