Safe and Smart: Making After-School Hours Work for Kids - June 1998

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Communities Meeting the Need for
After-School Activities

Carr Creek Family Resource and Youth Service Center
Knott County, Kentucky
Contact: Debbie Joseph, 606-642-3831

Carr Creek Family Resource and Youth Service Center (FRYSC), the largest and best developed in Knott County, has been operating its after-school program for seven years through energetic and creative leadership and the combined funding of various grants. Through community support from local agencies and businesses, sixty-two parent volunteers and nine welfare-to-work employees are actively engaged in providing quality after-school enrichment activities to over 85 children and their families. The program operates until 5:30 p.m. each day after school, and from 7:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m. on holidays, school vacations, and during the summer. The after-school program offers a diverse and exciting menu of activities from homework help, job-sharing with community adults, and hands-on science projects to sewing, drama, music lessons, and sports activities, all of which take place in the school. In addition, workshops on conflict resolution and alcohol and drug prevention are also offered to both children and families.
[Beacon School-Based Community Centers] [Table of Contents] [City of White Plains Youth Bureau]