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Vocational Education  back to top

Vocational and technical education is offered at both the secondary and postsecondary levels in the United States. Instruction is provided both for unlicensed and licensed occupations, and ranges from general skills to complex technical programs requiring extensive postsecondary level study and practice. In addition, vocational and technical programs are frequently offered by employers, unions, professional associations, and private training services as well as by traditional educational institutions, and they are among the most popular types of education to offer via distance education technologies.

top Secondary School Level - Most secondary level vocational education is introductory and basic, although some states have well-developed vocational education programs with established regulations and apprenticeship or cooperative learning opportunities. In addition, there is a nationwide initiative known as "School-to-Work" that seeks to build on existing vocational education models and integrate classroom and work-based learning.

top Postsecondary - Thousands of postsecondary institutions and other providers offer degree and non-degree vocational and technical training. These institutions include public community colleges and vocational/technical institutes as well as private trade and technical schools, employers, unions, professional associations, and independent training services. Programs in fields such as nursing, allied health, and engineering technology are often available at both the community college and university levels.

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this page was last updated at 12/23/02 (jer)