A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Promising Initiatives to Improve Education in Your Community - February 2000

Public Charter Schools Program

The Public Charter Schools Program provides financial assistance for the design and initial implementation of charter schools and the evaluation of the effects of charter schools on students, student achievement, staff and parents.

This year a new competition for $24 million will fund approximately 3-5 additional grants to 32 states and 30-50 additional grants to schools.

In the 1999-2000 school year:

Grants and subgrants:


Dissemination Grants:

States can use up to 10 percent of their award to provide two-year subgrants to successful charter schools to disseminate their lessons to other public schools or to allow successful charter school operators to help other groups open new schools. Three states have requested and received waivers to spend more than 10 percent of their FY1999 funds on these new subgrants. To be eligible for a dissemination grant, a charter school must have been open for three years. In addition, they must have demonstrated high levels of parent satisfaction, increased student performance, and the leadership necessary to run an economically and educationally viable public school.

Public Charter Schools Program Contact Information:
Program Contact: Donna Hoblit, at (202) 205-9178
Internet: www.uscharterschools.org
Fax: (202) 205-5630


Massachusetts Department of Education, Boston, Massachusetts

Project Abstract:
The Massachusetts Department of Education has received a three-year grant under the PCSP program. Massachusetts has provided subgrants to each of the state's charter schools. Each school uses these subgrants to help meet its specific start-up costs. In addition to funds for purchasing materials, designing curricula and assessments and professional development, the Massachusetts Department of Education has directed each school to use a portion of its subgrant to develop an accountability plan that meets state standards and reflects the unique mission of the particular school. Massachusetts has also used a portion of the administrative funds from the grant to develop a statewide accountability plan that incorporates extensive site visits by teams of experts modeled on the British Inspectorate System.

The Village: A High School for Pregnant and Parenting Teens, Phoenix, Arizona

Project Abstract:
The Village High School's mission is to eliminate the barriers for pregnant and parenting teens 14-21, in grades nine through twelve, who have problems with self-esteem, childcare, transportation, prenatal care, parenting, family health and wellness issues, and social/personal concerns while completing a high school diploma. The charter school provides a program of comprehensive individualized instruction that promotes self-sufficiency. The Village's Home-Bound Process enables the student to continue her education while she is at home after the birth of her baby. Students can enroll their baby in the childcare center located on-site. Although the program is geared toward them, attendance at the charter school is not limited to pregnant and parenting teens. The major portion of the Public Charter School start-up grant was used to provide staff to implement the program, to provide program supplies, to provide professional staff development training, and to provide for the childcare center.

Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy, Flagstaff, Arizona

Project Abstract:
The Flagstaff Arts and Leadership Academy (FALA) is a charter school that was created through a partnership with the Museum of Northern Arizona. The school is designed to provide a small school setting, with a rigorous academic approach as well as instruction in arts and leadership. Through its collaboration with the Museum of Northern Arizona the school is able to involve students in the artistic and cultural events of Flagstaff and the surrounding area, as well as in archaeological explorations. FALA?s dissemination grant will be used to support three activities: providing new charter school operators with advice and planning on a variety of issues, such as development of a governing board, curriculum, policies, personnel, mission statement, vision and more; educating the general public and key stakeholders about the charter schools and potential partnerships; and promoting partnerships between all the educators teaching students in the community. This last component includes sharing peer mentoring programs, artists-in-residency and joint professional theater productions with FALA and the Flagstaff Unified School District, as well as an annual celebration, hosted by the Museum of Northern Arizona, to honor the efforts of all traditional public, charter and private educators in the Flagstaff area.


For more information on the Public Charter Schools program, please visit: http://www.uscharterschools.org/res_dir/res_main.htm.

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