Educational Leaders for Effective Practice

Getting Started

Before beginning Day 1, please read this page to learn the answers to the following frequently asked questions about on-line learning:

Getting Started

Before beginning Day 1, please read this page to learn the answers to the following frequently asked questions about on-line learning:

Why Do You Offer This Training On-Line?

Conducting training on-line has numerous benefits! On-line or distance learning allows professionals working in different locations within a district, throughout a state, or even across the country to come together around a topic of interest and form a community of practitioners.

Specifically, on-line learning offers these advantages:

  • It saves time and money for participants who would otherwise have to travel to a training.
  • It provides access to information for participants who live and work in places where resources may be unavailable or difficult to locate.
  • It increases participants' familiarity and comfort with technology.
  • It provides flexibility, allowing participants to access information at the time and pace most convenient for them.
  • It gives participants an opportunity to engage thoughtfully in a topic of interest by allowing them time to reflect before responding.
  • It provides materials that participants can print for future reference or share with colleagues and community members.

What Will I Learn from This Event?

School-Based Prevention Works: Educational Leaders for Effective Practice is a five-part workshop designed to be completed over five days. This workshop takes a tiered approach to learning, presenting multiple levels of information, actual examples of the application of this information, and extensive additional resources. It is divided into the following sections:

Day 1:The Importance of Prevention

This session looks at the importance of, and need for, implementing effective prevention programs in schools.

Day 2: The Role of a Prevention Coordinator: Research to Practice

This session provides information on criteria for selecting evidence-based programs and examples of schools that have successfully implemented these programs.

Day 3: What Works in Prevention: Research to Practice

This session reviews characteristics of effective prevention programs and provides further examples of schools that have successfully implemented evidence-based programs.

Day 4: Step-by-Step to Prevention: Research to Practice

This session walks participants through the steps that prevention coordinators took to devise and implement a prevention plan for schools and communities.

Day 5: Sustaining Effective Prevention Programs: Research to Practice

This session examines the key issues in sustaining prevention programs and provides resources for sustaining these programs, including free courses and funding possibilities.

How Is This Web Site Organized?

This site is composed of the following sections:


This is the page that you see when you first access the site. It includes a welcome to all participants, the event’s learning objectives, and information about the steps that you should have completed prior to beginning this event.

Getting Started

You are currently viewing this section, which provides a detailed introduction to and overview of the event.

Daily Materials

This is the heart of the event; you will acquire a basic understanding of the event topic from the daily materials. Materials appear in a variety of formats and can be printed for future reference. Each day, you will also be asked to answer two or three discussion questions that will help you reflect on and apply the information that you are learning.

Discussion Summary

This section contains a summary of the previous day's on-line discussion. On the final day of the event, it will contain links to all of the daily discussion summaries. Please read the summary before beginning your day's work.

Resources & Links

This section houses three types of resources: session, general, and additional. Session resources supplement the main text for each day of the event; examples are tip sheets and practical tools. General resources help you participate in this on-line training. Additional resources include links to other organizations and publications with information about the event topic.

Event Support

This section includes an on-line form you can submit if you need technical assistance. If you have any problems during this event, please do not hesitate to use this form. Center staff will promptly address all requests for assistance.

Discussion Area

This area houses the on-line discussion among participants. In addition to sharing your responses to the discussion questions found at the end of each session, you may also post any questions or comments you have about event content. The Training Center's director of continuing education will facilitate this discussion.

How Much Time Is Required Each Day?

Week 1: We expect that it will take you approximately one hour per day to review materials, complete activities, and contribute to the event discussion. We ask that you visit the Discussion Area at least once each day to share your ideas and experiences, as well as to review and respond to the messages posted by your fellow participants and National Center staff. If possible, it is beneficial to visit the Discussion Area more than once each day; participants in previous on-line workshops have found that more frequent visits allowed them to better monitor and contribute to the on-line discussion.

You will have a more accurate sense of how much time you will need to set aside for this event after you complete the first session. Please make sure to allow enough time each day to complete all event tasks; your full participation is the key to the success of this training.

Week 2: During the second week of this event, we encourage you to continue your exploration of event materials as well as your on-line discussion with fellow event participants. National Center staff will periodically monitor your discussion during this week, and any critical questions left unanswered by your peers will be forwarded to gang experts at two points: on Tuesday and Thursday. You will receive a response to those questions as soon as National Center staff hear back from the experts.

Can I Print These Materials?

All event materials can be printed for future reference. However, we strongly suggest that you review the materials on-line before you print them, so that you can see how the various sections fit together and participate more readily in the on-line discussion among event participants and National Center staff.

There are two ways to print event materials. The easiest way is to look for this box at the end of each day's materials and follow the instructions:

Click here to print today's materials in PDF format.

While the PDF files include all of the main text and supporting materials for each day of the event, the formatting will be a bit off. If you prefer to maintain the formatting that you see on-line, please try the second printing method (described below).

You can also print the event materials directly from your Internet browser. To print a specific page, go to that page, place your cursor on File (at the top of the page), go to Print, and then press OK. Everything on the screen in front of you will print. Please note that, if you select this option, you will need to choose the "Landscape" orientation under Page Setup in order to fit all the text on the page. To print only the text (minus the title and navigation bars at the top and side of the screen), place your cursor on the page you want to print, right-click your mouse, select Print, and choose OK.

Unfortunately, it is impossible to print the entire site with a single click of the mouse.

Where Can I Go for Help?

If you have technical questions or problems, you can submit an on-line request for assistance in the Event Support section. You may also find answers to your questions in the following tip sheets located in the Resources & Links section: Navigating This Site, Participating in On-Line Events, and Using the Discussion Area.

You have completed this section.
Proceed to Day 1: The Importance of a Prevention Coordinator in Schools .

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Last Modified: 12/12/2007