Archived Information

The State of Charter Schools Third-Year Report — May 1999


The authors are grateful to the many people who contributed either directly and indirectly to this Report. More than 600 directors of charter schools responded to our surveys, generously taking time from handling their school operations. The information they provided formed the basis of this Report. We extend a special thanks to the staff, students, and parents of the more than 90 charter schools who allowed us to visit their schools, answered our questions, and helped us learn from their experiences. They have made — and continue to make — significant contributions to our work.

Many others read and provided invaluable feedback on successive drafts of the Report. We appreciate the thoughtful and insightful ideas, contributions, and comments of the Study's Advisory Board. The members of the Advisory Board are: Jose Afonso, Massachusetts Department of Education; William Lowe Boyd, Department of Education Policy Studies at The Pennsylvania State University; Rexford Brown, P.S.1 Charter School; Joan Buckley, American Federation of Teachers; Faith Crampton, National Education Association; Gary Hart, Institute for Education Reform at California State University, Sacramento; Ted Kolderie, Center for Policy Studies; and Joe Nathan, Center for School Change, Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota.

A group of readers from the U.S. Department of Education reviewed drafts of the Report and provided invaluable suggestions for improvement. This group included: Lisa Towne, Planning and Evaluation Service; David Cleary, Budget Service; David Sweet, and Duc-Le To, Office of Educational Research and Improvement; Alex Medler, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education; and Cathy Grimes-Miller from the Office of General Counsel.

The authors also would like to express their sincere appreciation to Judith Anderson and Joseph Conaty of the Office of Educational Research and Improvement for their continuing support for the research as well as for the considerable contributions they have made towards shaping both the Study and this Report.

While appreciating the contributions of all of the reviewers, the authors accept full responsibility for the content of the Report.

[Title Page] [Table of Contents] [Executive Summary]