Special Education--Technical Assistance on State Data Collection--IDEA General Supervision Enhancement Grant

Current Section  Eligibility
 Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services Home

Priority A: Outcome Measures

State educational agencies (SEAs), Part C lead agencies (LAs), freely associated States (FAS), and, if endorsed by Outcome the SEA, LA, or FAS to apply and carry out the project on Measures behalf of the SEA, LA, or FAS, local educational agencies (LEAs), public charter schools that are LEAs under State law, institutions of higher education (IHEs), tribes or tribal organizations, other public agencies, private nonprofit organizations, and for- profit organizations.

Note: Applicants who received a grant under the General Supervision Enhancement Grant competition in FY 2004 (84.326X) are not eligible for funding under Priority A if they are proposing a project in the same focus area (Part B or Part C) as their 2004 grant.

Priority B: Assessment Data

State educational agencies (SEAs), freely associated States (FAS), and, if endorsed by the SEA or FAS to apply and Assessment carry out the project on behalf of the SEA or FAS, local Data educational agencies (LEAs), public charter schools that are LEAs under State law, institutions of higher education (IHEs), tribes or tribal organizations, other public agencies, private nonprofit organizations, and for- profit organizations.

Note: Applicants who received a grant under the General Supervision Enhancement Grant Focus 1 competition in FY 2004 (84.326X) are also eligible for funding under Priority B in this competition.

States and FAS are encouraged to form consortia or any other group of eligible parties that meet the requirements in 34 CFR 75.127 to 75.129 to apply under Priority B. A consortium is comprised of more than one State or FAS and could include States or FAS from the same geographic region, States or FAS with similar demographic characteristics, States or FAS with similar populations, States or FAS with similar geographic characteristics or other characteristics as determined by the States or FAS. The Secretary views the formation of consortia as an effective and efficient strategy to addressing the requirements of this priority.

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Last Modified: 06/14/2006