Secretary Spellings Issues Statement on the Departure of Kevin Sullivan, Department of Education Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach

July 18, 2006
Contact: Katherine McLane
(202) 401-1576

U.S. Secretary of Education Margaret Spellings today issued the following statement:

"In a short time Kevin Sullivan has left a lasting mark on the Department of Education. He will be greatly missed as he deservedly moves on to the White House. Kevin's unique talents and wide-ranging experiences proved a perfect fit. Taking over the new Office of Communications and Outreach, he kept the trains running on time and, more importantly, headed in the right direction. He made a friend out of every employee he met, and infused even the most difficult tasks with genuine good cheer. As productive as he was popular, Kevin knew how to get to the heart of a message to win people's hearts. He was an invaluable asset as we traveled the country and the world, sharing the successes of the No Child Left Behind Act, the need to reach full grade-level proficiency by 2014 and the importance of the President's competitiveness agenda. He passionately believed in giving all American students the skills to succeed in the 21st century, and it showed. Kevin leaves with the respect of an entire Department, and the best wishes of its Secretary."



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Last Modified: 07/21/2006