A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

May 4, 1999

Julie Green
(202) 401-3026

On Introduction of H.R. 1660

Today, Congressman Charles Rangel has taken a strong step forward to address the reality that America's schools are overcrowded and wearing out by introducing legislation to build and modernize schools. The United States is in the midst of record breaking student enrollment increases that will continue for many years to come. This is an issue of immediate national concern that impacts schools in our cities, suburbs and rural areas.

Many states are just now catching up on the backlog of schools that were not built over the last several decades, yet the need to build and modernize more schools remains overwhelming. The American Society of Civil Engineers has given this nation an 'F' in meeting the infrastructure needs of schools. One third of America's schools are in need of at least one major repair. If we can help local governments and states to build prisons, repair highways and shore up their beaches surely the federal government can do something about our nation's increasingly overcrowded and run down schools.

In overcrowded and crumbling schools, learning suffers and we send our students a very unfortunate message about the value we place on their education. The Clinton Administration has put forth a school modernization package for three years in a row and we will work with Representative Rangel and other members of Congress to address this pressing issue.


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