A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

To Assure the Free Appropriate Public Education of All Children with Disabilities - 1995

TABLE 2.5 Early Intervention Services on IFSPs Provided to Infants, Toddlers, and Their Families in Accord with Part H: December 1, 1992

State Assistive Technology Services/ Devices Audiology Family Training Counseling and Home Visits Health Services Medical Services
Alabama 6811438386128
Alaska 0111510
Arizona 1491122185
Arkansas 60299522283403
California 9390118495564
Colorado 1,9741,3101,6532,8702,870
Connecticut 523760435108
Delaware 281832535662
District of Columbia 753011421982
Florida 2254897,666883,771
Georgia .437687280517
Hawaii 663262,10954177
Idaho 0172644164
Illinois 1363851,975250238
Indiana 1473101,61285103
Iowa 06702
Kansas 13939049520699
Kentucky 01721500
Louisiana 142211,323376384
Maine 2691364172
Maryland 26955122147155
Massachusetts 03026,3586,3580
Michigan 1042151,034185315
Minnesota .....
Mississippi 1431136431
Missouri 7323001245
Montana 55653273490
Nebraska 27345088
Nevada 1195146260519
New Hampshire 0024903
New Jersey 00000
New Mexico 66391807512750
New York 4211,0912,1384851,013
North Carolina 2017600
North Dakota 36521833952
Ohio 03414,1012,3921,595
Oklahoma 01817531
Oregon 02773340
Pennsylvania 732301,5877932
Puerto Rico 975501,3114,716
Rhode Island 2115001218
South Carolina 033153406248
South Dakota 722712628
Tennessee 2759481,4735341,290
Texas 7081,9244,2827151,202
Utah 2022641412131
Vermont 50125305
Virginia 107295493227342
Washington 13822
West Virginia 213242142174187
Wisconsin 1992121,157179330
Wyoming 1792398769
American Samoa 4826224
Guam 0898921
Northern Marianas 0426413
Palau .....
Virgin Islands .....
Bureau of Indian Affairs .....
U.S. and Outlying Areas 5,86114,31847,69819,94323,174
50 States, D.C., and P.R. 5,85714,21747,55719,93523,136

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