OIG: Office of Inspector General
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Audit Reports for 2000

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FY 2006 Audit Reports | FY 2005 Audit Reports |
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FY 2002 Audit Reports | FY 2001 Audit Reports |
FY 2000 Audit Reports | FY 1999 Audit Reports |
FY 1998 and Previous Years Audit Reports

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
New Mexico State Department of Education (State) and Local Educational Agencies' (LEAs) compliance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 (Act). A06A0006 09/28/2000 PDF (773K) MS Word (7.98M)
Puerto Rico Department of Education Needs Major Improvements in Its Administration of the Even Start Program. A0190006 09/27/2000 PDF (1423K)  
Puerto Rico Department of Education Needs Major Improvements in Its Administration of the Governor's Safe and Drug Free School Program. A0190007 09/27/2000 PDF  (804K)  
California State and Local Educational Agencies' Compliance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994. A09A0008 09/2000 PDF (1454K)  
Audit of Colorado State and Local Educational Agencies' Compliance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994. A03A0008 09/13/2000 PDF (801K)  
Audit of Wisconsin State and Local Education Agencies' Compliance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994. A05A0011 08/21/2000 PDF (828K)  
Audit of West Virginia State and Local Education Agencies' Compliance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994. A03A0007 08/07/2000 PDF (169K)  
Audit of San Francisco Unified School District's (District) oversight of Title I Funds for Services to Private School Students, as Authorized by The Elementary and Secondary Education Act. A0990032 07/26/2000 PDF (1.8M)  
Audit of Maryland State and Local Education Agencies' Compliance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994. A0390023 07/26/2000 PDF (566K)  
Audit of Selected Aspects of Alliance City Schools' (Alliance) Administration of the 21st Century Community Learning Center (Learning Center) Program. A05A0021 06/28/2000 PDF (25K)  
Audit of Texas State and Local Education Agencies' Compliance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994 (Act). A06A0005 06/20/2000 PDF (136K)  
Combining Funds in Schoolwide Programs. A0490008 03/29/2000 PDF (390K)  
The Arizona Department of Education's Implementation of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996. A0290001 02/15/2000 PDF (369K)  
Information Report on Data Accumulated by SEAs and Reported to ED: ESEA/Title I and Perkins Vocational Education Programs. S1790009 02/15/2000 PDF  (1649K)  

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Arizona Department of Education Management Controls Over IDEA, Part B-Special Education Performance Data. A09A0001 09/22/2000 PDF (360K)
Audit of Terminal Leave Costs at the Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission under the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program. A05A0027 09/15/2000 PDF (25K)

Federal Student Aid

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Arizona Department of Education Management Controls Over IDEA, Part B-Special Education Performance Data. A09A0001 09/22/2000 PDF (360K)
Audit of Terminal Leave Costs at the Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission under the State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program. A05A0027 09/15/2000 PDF (25K)
Case Management and Oversight's Audit Tracking and Resolution Process. A0390003 09/29/2000 PDF (920K)
The Access America For Students program (AAFS); Student Account Manager (SAM) data. A07A0003 09/28/2000 PDF (512K)
Mount Senario College's Administration of the Title IV, HEA Programs for the Period July 1, 1998, Through June 30, 1999. A0590052 09/14/2000 PDF (64K)
University of Phoenix's Management of Student Financial Assistance Programs. A0970022 03/30/2000 PDF (5.4M)
The Illinois Student Assistance Commission's Administration of the Federal Family Education Programs. A0590002 12/29/1999 PDF (132K)
The Title IV, Higher Education Act Programs Administered by Cleveland State University, Cleveland, Ohio. A0590054 09/28/2000 PDF (811K)
The Potential to Reduce the Risks and Costs of Consolidating Defaulted Loans in the Federal Consolidation Loan Program within the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. A0590024 09/28/2000 PDF (727K)
St. Augustine College's Administration of the Federal Student Financial Assistance Programs for the 1998-99 Award Year. A0590053 03/08/2000 PDF  (31K)

Office of Education Research & Improvement (OERI)

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Review of NCES's Year 2000 Readiness Pans. A1190014 11/17/99 PDF (805K)

Office of Chief Financial Officer

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Audit Follow-up Review on Corrective Actions the Department had taken in Response to Issues Reported during the Office of Inspector General's Contract Monitoring Audits of Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Information Technology Contracts. A07A0014 09/2000 PDF (840K)
Recipient Financial Management System Contract awarded to Computer Data System, Incorporated (CDSI). A0280002 09/2000 PDF (651K)
The U.S. Department of Education's Controls Over Cellular Phone. A11A0014 09/15/2000 PDF (420K)
Drawdown Controls in Grant Administration and Payment System. A0380010 09/13/2000 PDF (902K)
The Central Processing System Contract. A0790003 03/15/2000 PDF  (817K)
Compliance with Cost Accounting Standards for Travel, National Computer Systems, Iowa City, Iowa. A0790017 03/16/2000 PDF (847K)

Office of Postsecondary Education

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
The Recertification Process for Foreign Schools Needs to be Improved. A0190005 09/29/2000 PDF (1884K)
The Student Support Services Project Administered by Marian College, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin. A0590045 03/27/2000 PDF (177K)
Management Controls for Distance Education st State Agencies and Accrediting Agencies. A0990030 09/2000 PDF (302K)
Review of Case Management & Oversight's Program Review Function. A0490003 09/2000 PDF (131K)
Review of Student Financial Aid Compliance at Success Institute of Business. A0690004 08/07/2000 PDF (250K)
Review of Title III Program, HEA, Compliance with GPRA Requirements for Implementation of Performance Indicators. A0490014 06/30/2000 PDF (143K)
Drake Business Schools Corporation - Refunds of Unearned Tuition, Fees, and Other Institutional Charges. A0270010 06/06/2000 PDF (961K)
Creighton University's Administration of Its Federal TRIO Projects. A0780027 03/31/2000 PDF (3.9M)
Change in the Computation of Cohort Default Rates Would Make Rates More Accurate. A0670006 03/31/2000 PDF (358K)
Southern Careers Institute's Compliance with the 85 Percent Rule. A0690008 03/30/2000 PDF (118K)
Platt College - San Francisco Administration of Title IV Programs. A0990011 03/30/2000 PDF (182K)
Hallmark Institute of Aeronautics' Compliance with the 85 Percent Rule. A0680013 03/06/2000 PDF (1373K)
Capital City Trade and Technical School, Inc. Compliance with the 85 Percent Rule. A0680008 02/15/2000 PDF (991K)
Corinthian Colleges, Inc. Non-Title IV Revenue Percentage Calculations. A0990001 02/09/2000 PDF (270K)
Inspection of Parks College's Compliance with Student Financial Assistance Requirements. N0690010 02/09/2000 PDF (98K)
Review of Collection Activities at Unger and Associates. A0690011 02/08/2000 PDF  (153K)
Review of EFG Technologies, Inc.'s Year 2000 Readiness. A0590048 11/10/1999 PDF  (78K)
Review of Michigan Guaranty Agency's Year 2000 Readiness. A0590047 10/29/1999 PDF (75K)
The Student Support Services Program Grant Administered by Joliet Junior College. A0590049 10/29/1999 PDF (15K)
Review of New York State Higher Education Services Corporation's Year 2000 Readiness. A0590044 10/15/1999 PDF (66K)


Title Format
State & Local No. 02-01 - Summary of Carryover and Supplanting Information from OIG Audits of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B PDF (254k) MS Word
State & Local No. 01-01 - State-Reported Data Used in Measuring Performance of Education Programs PDF (4682k) MS Word

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Last Modified: 10/10/2007

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