OIG: Office of Inspector General
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Audit Reports for 2001

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FY 2002 Audit Reports | FY 2001 Audit Reports |
FY 2000 Audit Reports | FY 1999 Audit Reports |
FY 1998 and Previous Years Audit Reports

Office of Elementary and Secondary Education

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Puerto Rico Department of Education Did Not Administer Properly Title I Contracts With National School Services of Puerto Rico For the 1999/2000 and 2000/2001 School Years. A02B0012 09/28/2001 PDF(376K)
Review of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Discretionary Grants Monitoring Process. A03A0021 09/24/2001 PDF(249K)
Review of the Impact Aid Program Disbursement Process Within the U.S. Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education. S17B0013 07/19/2001 PDF(428K)
Audit of the Virgin Islands Department of Education, Special Education Payroll. A04B0013 07/17/2001 PDF(1236K)
Audit of the Governor's Program portion of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act. A04A0005 03/30/2001 PDF(98K)
Puerto Rico Department of Education Did Not Administer Properly a $9,700,000 Contract With National School Services of Puerto Rico. A01A0004 03/28/2001 PDF(204K)
Audit of the New York City Board of Education's Oversight of Title I. A02A0001 03/28/2001 PDF(506K)
An OIG Perspective on the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994. S03A0018 03/09/2001 PDF(362K)
State and Local Education Agencies' Compliance with the Gun-Free Schools Act of 1994. A03A0018 02/01/2001 PDF(447K)

Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Information Memorandum - State-Reported Data Used to Evaluate Performance of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act.   09/28/2001 PDF(397K)
Audit of IDEA Part B at the California Department of Education, Sacramento, California. A05B0022 09/24/2001 PDF(324K)
Audit of Michigan Department of Education Management Controls over IDEA, Part B - Special Education Performance Data. A05A0031 09/21/2001 PDF(2394K)
Audit of IDEA Part B Carryovers at the Indiana Department of Education, Indianapolis, Indiana. A05B0001 09/18/2001 PDF(1821K)
Audit of IDEA Part B at the Mississippi Department of Education, Jackson, Mississippi. A05B0021 09/06/2001 PDF(1421K)
letter to close-out Audit of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development's (DWD) administration of its Vocational Rehabilitation Grants to States (VR) Program. A05A0029 08/06/2001 PDF(442K)
Letter to close-out Audit of the Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development's (DWD) administration of its Vocational Rehabilitation Grants to States (VR) Program. S05B0031 08/06/2001 PDF(955K)
The Virgin Islands Government Lacks Adequate Management Controls Over the Administration of Its IDEA, Part B Grant Program Salary Costs. A04A0015 07/27/2001 PDF(1128K)
Audit of Kansas State Department of Education Management Controls over IDEA, Part B - Special Education Performance Data. A07A0020 07/20/2001 PDF(718K)
California Department of Education Management Controls Over IDEA, Part B-Special Education Performance Data. A09A0016 03/30/2001 PDF(1550K)

Federal Student Aid

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Course Length at William Penn University (the University). A07B0001 09/28/2001 PDF(818K)
the University of Arkansas at Little Rocks's (UALR's) compliance with the Title IV, Student Financial Assistance, verification requirements. A06B0013 09/28/2001 PDF(311K)
Southwest Texas State University's (SWT's) compliance with the Title IV, Student Financial Assistance, verification requirements. A06B0009 09/28/2001 PDF(210K)
Student Financial Assistance Enforcement of the Institutional Financial Responsibility Regulations. A09A0018 09/28/2001 PDF(2659K)
Olivet Nazareen University, School of Graduate and Adult Studies Administration of Title IV Programs, Bourbonnais, Illinois. A05B0014 09/28/2001 PDF(4636K)
Indiana Wesleyan University, Adult and Professional Studies Administration of Title IV Programs, Marion, Indiana. A05B0004 09/28/2001 PDF(2505K)
The Michigan Guaranty Agency's Administration of the Federal Family Education Loan Program Federal and Operating Funds. A05B0007 09/25/2001 PDF(1908K)
Controls over Government property managed by Raytheon Systems Company (Raytheon). A19B0005 09/19/2001 PDF(753K)
Rush University's Administration of the Title IV, SFA programs for the Year ended June 30, 2000. A05B0025 09/07/2001 PDF(1231K)
United Education Institute's (UEI's) compliance with the Title IV, Student Financial Assistance, verification requirements. A06B0014 09/06/2001 PDF(123K)
The Implementation of the District of Columbia College Access Act of 1999. A03B0003 08/31/2001 PDF(739K)
ESS College of Business' Administration of the Title IV Student Financial Assistance Programs. A06A0015 08/29/2001 PDF(2200K)
McLennan Community College's (MCC's) compliance with the Title IV, Student Financial Assistance, verification requirements. A06B0010 07/23/2001 PDF(244K)
Interactive Learning Systems' Administration of the Title IV, Student Financial Assistance Programs. A06A0001 07/20/2001 PDF(1872K)
Survey of Computer Education Institute (CEI) and California Education Institute College (CET College). A09B0007 06/13/2001 PDF(110K)
Audit of the Title IV Programs Administered by Olivet Nazarene University's School of Graduate and Adult Studies, Bourbonnais, Illinois. A05A0030 05/21/2001 PDF(1173K)
Indiana State University's Policies and Procedures Covering Educational Programs and Courses Delivered Through Distance Education Methods. A09A0021 05/18/2001 PDF(322K)
Commissioned Sales at William Penn University (the University). A0790035 05/15/2001 PDF(727K)
Student Financial Assistance - Management Letters. A17B0004 04/06/2001 PDF(953K)
U.S. Department of Education, Student Financial Assistance Fiscal Year 2000 Financial Statement Audit Reports. A17A0003 03/28/2001 PDF(6336K)
Case Management and Oversight's (CMO) Procedures for Resolving Deficient Compliance Audit Reports. A03A0002 03/30/2001 PDF(889K)
The Federal Family Education Loan Programs administered by Great Lakes Higher Education Corporation, Madison, Wisconsin. A05A0002 03/30/2001 PDF(4009K)
Internal Aviation and Travel Academy's Administration of Title IV Student Financial Assistance Programs. A0690010 03/30/2001 PDF(1746K)
Audit of Illinois Student Assistance Commission's Administration of the Federal Family Education Loan Program Federal and Operating Funds. ACN: A05A0028 03/30/2001 PDF(1999K)
International Business College's Administration of Title IV Student Financial Assistance Programs. A06A0003 03/28/2001 PDF(415K)
Controls over Government Property Furnished to Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC). A19B0003 03/19/2001 PDF(825K)
Controls over Government Property Furnished to Affiliated Computer System, Inc. (ACS). A19B0004 04/20/2001 PDF(1060K)

Office of Vocational & Adult Education

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Review of the Division of Vocational-Technical Education's Monitoring of Formula Grants. A04B0010 09/25/2001 PDF(443K)
Review of the Formula Grant Disbursement Process Within the U.S. Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education. S17B0015 07/19/2001 PDF (445K)

Office of Education Research & Improvement (OERI)

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Review of the Discretionary Grant Disbursement Process Within the U.S. Department of Education Office of Educational Research and Improvement. S17B0014 07/19/2001 PDF(461K)

Office of Chief Financial Officer

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
U.S. Department of Education FY 2001 Financial Statement Audit Reports. A17B0006   PDF
U.S. Department of Education FY 2000 Financial Statement Audit Reports. A17A0002   PDF
U.S. Department of Education FY 1999 Financial Statement Audit Reports. A1790019    
U.S. Department of Education - Management Letters. A17B0003 04/06/2001 PDF (1156K)
Analysis of GAPS Duplicate Payments. A11B0001 03/30/2001 PDF (221K)
Results of the U.S. Department of Education's Federal Agencies' Centralized Trial-Balance System (FACTS). A17B0005 03/07/2001 PDF(616K)

Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Title IV Systemwide Improvement Grant Administered by Community Unit School District 300, Carpentersville, Illinois. A05A0004 12/2000 PDF(481K)

Office of the Chief Information Officer

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
The Department's Records Management Program. A11A0011 09/27/2001 PDF(1515K)
The Collection of Personally Identifiable Information Through ED Internet Sites. A11B0002 02/20/2001 PDF(169K)

Internal Audit of ED Operations for which no Specific Program Office Code has been assigned

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Detailed Accounting of Fiscal Year 2000 Drug Control Funds in Support of the National Drug Control Strategy as Required by Section 1704(D) of Title 21 United States Code. S03B0002 01/31/2001 PDF(545K)

Office of Postsecondary Education

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Lincoln University's Administration of the Title III Grant. A03A0019 07/2001 PDF(237K)
Richard J. Daley College's Administration of Selected Aspects of Its Strengthening Institutions-Hispanic Serving Institutions Program. A05A0026 03/30/2001 PDF(977K)
Great Lakes Higher Education Granty Corporation's Administration of the Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program Federal and Operating Funds. A05A0025 03/30/2001 PDF(441K)
Office of Higher Education Programs Needs To Improve its Oversight of Parts A and B of the Title III Program. A0490013 12/27/2000 PDF(404K)

Grants and Contracts Service

Title ACN # Date Issued Format
Controls Over Contract Payments. A07A0015 03/13/2001 PDF (1874K)
Selected Aspects of the Talent Search Grant (Project) Administered by South Suburban College, South Holland, Illinois. A05A0022 01/22/2001 PDF (1018K)


Title ACN # Date Issued Format
State & Local No. 02-01 - Summary of Carryover and Supplanting Information from OIG Audits of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B     PDF (254k) MS Word
State & Local No. 01-01 - State-Reported Data Used in Measuring Performance of Education Programs     PDF (4682k) MS Word

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Last Modified: 10/26/2007

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