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Please see EPA's Climate Change site for current information on climate change and global warming. EPA no longer updates EPA's Global Warming Site, but is maintaining this archive for historical purposes. Thank you for visiting the archive of EPA's Global Warming Site.


More and more U.S. business sectors are recognizing that potential costs resulting from the impacts of climate change represent a serious challenge to their future economic growth. In addition, an increasing number of private firms now see significant opportunities in addressing climate change. Thousands of companies are profiting from energy efficiency improvements in their facilities and operations. Thousands more are positioning themselves to be ready for new markets in energy-efficient products and renewable energy technologies.

Industrial energy use accounts for nearly 30% of total U.S. greenhouse gas emissions. These emissions primarily result from electricity use, product transportation, the burning of fossil fuels to power boilers and produce steam, and using gasoline to power vehicle fleets. Some industrial processes also produce greenhouse gases. There are many cost-effective opportunities for industry to reduce these emissions and minimize their impact on the climate.

Actions section of this site provides a wealth of information, examples, and case studies about what people at every level can do and are doing to reduce, to avoid, and to better understand the risks associated with climate change. It addresses the voluntary partnership programs that encourage businesses to act as a partner with EPA to look at flexible and creative solutions.

Industry Actions page presents many actions that businesses can take to save money, improve productivity, and protect the environment. Developers of renewable energy, executives in trade associations, decision-makers in the catastrophic insurance and reinsurance sector, marketers of "green power," employers and employees in the industry and business sectors all will find the Industry Actions page of interest.

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Last Modified on Friday, January 7th, 2000
