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List Servs

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Please see EPA's Climate Change site for current information on climate change and global warming. EPA no longer updates EPA's Global Warming Site, but is maintaining this archive for historical purposes. Thank you for visiting the archive of EPA's Global Warming Site.

Global Climate Change ListServs

Lists Available  |  How to Subscribe | How to Unsubscribe

Receive timely news about global warming through EPA’s Climate Change ListServs – subscribers receive e-mail providing information on climate change impacts and solutions, international and U.S. government policies and programs, and relevant conferences and events.

Lists Available for Subscription:
Greenhouse Gas Inventories (GHGinventory-L) – To subscribe click HERE (for this item only, do NOT follow the instructions on "how to subscribe" on this page--instead, use the link above). The purpose of this list is to provide information related to inventories of greenhouse gas emissions and removals (i.e., sinks), with a focus on technical information related to the United States. Postings will be accepted on a case by case basis for announcements and other relevant information.

State & Local Clean Energy-Environment (state-local-clean-energy-environment) The State & Local Clean Energy-Environment listserv brings you news of important state and local developments in cost-effective clean energy policies and technologies that can help address state and local concerns with air quality and greenhouse gases; energy prices, demand, and reliability; and economic development. We send approximately one listserv message per week to announce new policy developments; highlight technology advances; share information on new studies, reports, and upcoming events; and note new funding opportunities.

Climate Change and Public Health (climate-medical-L) – The medical practitioners’ mailing list addresses the health risks associated with global warming – such as potential increases in infectious diseases, deaths from heatwave and water-borne illnesses and shares research findings, information on disease surveillance and intervention strategies.

Climate Change and Innovative Business (climate-business-L) – The business leaders’ mailing list includes information on current events and findings, energy conservation programs, and opportunities to adopt and benefit from renewable energy technologies.

Climate Change and Educators (climate-educate-L) – The education listserv provides information on new climate change resources for educators and outreach professionals, upcoming conferences and events, and education opportunities.

Climate Change and Insurance (climate-insure-L) – The insurance listserv offers news and information regarding the effects of sea level rise and other weather-related impacts on the insurance industry.

Climate Change and Outdoor Recreation (climate-outdoor-L) – The mailing list for outdoor recreation enthusiasts provides hunters, anglers, campers, hikers, and wildlife watchers with the latest scientific developments on climate change and its effects on the natural world.

Climate Change and Coastal Communities (climate-coastal-L) – The coastal communities’ mailing list provides information on strategies for adapting to or mitigating sea level rise; global warming’s effects on severe storms; and coastal success stories.

Climate Change and Meteorologists (climate-meteor-L) – The meteorologists’ mailing list includes information on current findings and global warming’s effects on weather patterns, including severe storms.

Here's How to Subscribe:
Send an e-mail to In the body of the message type "subscribe (name of list) (your first name) (your last name)" without quotes or parentheses (e.g., subscribe climate-medical-L Jane Doe).
Use mail, fax, or email to forward your name, email address, and the list name or names to which you would like to subscribe to:
      Mollie Averyt, ICF Consulting
      1725 Eye St, N.W.
      Suite 1000

      Washington, DC 20006
      (fax: 202-862-1144; email:
Here's How to Unsubscribe:
Send an e-mail to In the body of the message type "unsubscribe (name of list) (your first name) (your last name)" without quotes or parentheses (e.g., unsubscribe climate-medical-L Jane Doe).
Use mail, fax, or email to forward your name, email address, and the list name or names to which you would like to unsubscribe to Mollie Averyt at the address above.
Associated Pages
GHG Inventory


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Last Modified on Monday, August 22nd, 2005
