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USGS/Cascades Volcano Observatory, Vancouver, Washington

Mount St. Helens and Vicinity
Points of Interest

Clearwater Overlook

Image, Clearwater Drainage, 1982

Clearwater Drainage, 1982
USGS Photo by Lyn Topinka, April 26, 1982

Driving Directions
  • From Interstate 5 -- take Exit 21 (Woodland Exit)
  • Head east on Highway 503 and USFS Road 90, approximately 52 miles to junction of USFS Roads 25 and 90.
  • Continue north (left) on USFS Road 25.
  • Cross Pine Creek Bridge (one mile) and Muddy River Bridge (4 miles).
  • Continue another 10 miles to Clearwater Overlook.
  • Park where appropriate.

Clearwater Creek Overlook and the Clearwater Creek Valley

Clearwater Creek Overlook

To the north is part of the zone devastated by the May 18, 1980, blast. On the east wall of Clearwater Creek valley is the east edge of the devastated zone, about 10 miles from the summit. Most of the fallen or damaged timber has been salvaged.

-- Excerpts from: Doukas, 1990, Road Guide to Volcanic Deposits of Mount St. Helens and Vicinity, Washington: USGS Bulletin 1859, 53p.

Clearwater Creek Valley

The broad, U-shaped valley of Clearwater Creek was carved by a glacier of Hayden Creek age (about 140,000 years ago) and possibly by an earilier glacier. On May 18, 1980, the hot blast moved into the upper reaches of the valley, destroying most of the forest (much of it recently logged). Slope failures, mostly debris slides, were common during the next few years in this and nearby valleys affected by the blast. Experimental forest plots were set up to investigate the causes of the slope failures. One reason was that trees died after the 1980 eruption and their roots stopped providing cohesive strength to the soil.

-- Excerpts from: Pringle, 1993, Roadside Geology of Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument and Vicinity: Washington Department of Natural Resources, Division of Geology and Earth Resources Information Circular 88

Other Nearby Points of Interest

Map, Mount St. Helens Points of Interest - Interactive Imagemap, 
click to enlarge Mount St. Helens
Points of Interest -
Interactive Imagemap

Click button for Meta Lake Meta Lake (west)
Click button for Muddy River Muddy River (south)

Other Menus of Interest

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03/27/07, Lyn Topinka