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Journal Publications Details for:

Evaluation of Chemical and Biological Assays as Indicators of Toxic Metal Bioavailability in Soils
Grant Number R829418E02
RFA: EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) (2000)

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  • Journal Article (5)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Journal Article

    Maenpaa KA, Kukkonen JVK, Lydy MJ. Remediation of heavy metal-contaminated soils using phosphorus: evaluation of bioavailability using an earthworm bioassay. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2002;43(4):389-398.

    R829418E02 (2003)
    R829418E02 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Ownby DR, Galvan KA, Lydy MJ. Lead and zinc bioavailability to Eisenia fetida after phosphorus amendment to repository soils. Environmental Pollution. 2005;136(2):315-321. R829418E02 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article

    Sonmez O, Pierzynski GM. Assessment of zinc phytoavailability by diffusive gradients in thin films. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 2005;24(4):934-941.

    R829418E02 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article

    Sonmez O, Pierzynski GM. Phosphorus and manganese oxides effects on soil lead bioaccessibility: PBET and TCCP. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 2005;166(1-4):3-16.

    R829418E02 (Final)
    not available
    Journal Article Zwonitzer JC, Pierzynski GM, Hettiarachchi GM. Effects of phosphorus additions on lead, cadmium, and zinc bioavailabilities in a metal-contaminated soil. Water Air and Soil Pollution 2003;143(1-4):193-209. R825549C047 (Final)
    R829418E02 (2003)
    R829418E02 (Final)
    not available

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