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Getting Started

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Each revitalization site or project is different, and there is no one size fits all approach to getting a formerly contaminated site back into reuse. That is because there are different types of sites that EPA and states clean up and manage, using different legal authorities and requirements. For example, brownfield sites are cleaned up and managed using a different legal authority than a Superfund site, and the liability protections, funding opportunities, etc., are very different.

As a result, there is no single “revitalization formula” to apply across the different types of sites. Each site will likely require unique or tailored revitalization tools and approaches. However, there are site-specific steps that can be undertaken that will allow you to take advantage of appropriate revitalization tools and resources to redevelop a site.

The following questions and issues will help you begin to put the pieces together and identify the appropriate land revitalization information for your site as well as take advantage of available revitalization tools and resources. The four topic areas below have been designed to help you navigate the process of redeveloping formerly contaminated sites. By clicking on the topic or question that most closely meets your information or site needs, you will be able to both obtain information about a site or property of interest (e.g., a specific formerly contaminated site you want to redevelop) and find sites potential available for reuse.

Do you have a specific site in mind, what to do next...

Find sites in your area potentially available for reuse...

Find additional information about land revitalization...

Find examples of sites already in reuse...

All of these individual pieces or topics, when combined, will begin to allow you to begin to take steps to get a site back into reuse as well as take advantage of available revitalization tools and resources.

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