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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 10 Cleanup: Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor
Serving the people of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and 270 Native Tribes

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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor

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Fact Sheets
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Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor (Wyckoff Facility)

ATSDR Initiates Health Consultation for Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Site (PDF) (7 pp. 643K) - Current as of July 2007
Former Process Area (the "Point") Update (PDF) (5 pp. 429K) - July 2007
West Beach Cleanup Update (PDF) (5 pp. 1.3K) - July 2007
West Harbor (WSDOT Maintenance Facility) Cleanup Update (PDF) (4 pp. 375K) - July 2007
EPA Begins Five-Year Review of Wyckoff / Eagle Harbor Site (PDF) (2 pp. 66K) - June 2007
Closure of West Beach (Pritchard Park) Due to Construction Through January 2008 (PDF) - October 2007

Update on Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor Superfund Site Cleanup (2 p 156 KB .pdf) - November 2005
EPA Looking at Data and Options (6 p. 165 KB .pdf) - May 2004
Steam Cleaning at Wyckoff: Schedule Delayed (4 p. 671 KB .pdf) - May 2003
Steam Cleaning Begins! (3 p. 145 KB .pdf) - November 2002
Answering Community Questions About Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor (8 p. 217 KB .pdf) - August 2002

How will future be decided? (6 p. 459 KB .pdf) - June 2001
Winter Construction Season Success (6 p. 594 KB .pdf) - March 2001
Community Involvement Plan update - draft (24 KB .pdf) - November 2000
EPA responds to cleanup questions (4 p. 36 KB .pdf) - October 2000
Cleanup Moving into High Gear (107 KB .pdf) - September 2000
Final Cleanup Plan Chosen (4 p. 40 KB .pdf) - February 2000

Proposed Cleanup Plan (4 p. 120 KB .pdf) - October 1999
EPA Continues to Evaluate Thermal Technologies (6 p. 329 KB .pdf) - May 1999
EPA Announces Public Comment Period on Proposed Settlement Agrrement (4 p 177 KB .pdf) - August 1998
Coast Guard To Propose Anchoring Rules To Protect Eagle Harbor (4 p 181 KB .pdf) - July 1998
EPA delays Cleanup Selection - Possible New Groundwater Remedy under Evaluation (6 p 43 KB .pdf) - April 1998
Public Comment Period 11/20/97 to 12/20/97 for Proposed Cleanup Plan for Wyckoff groundwater and soils (7 p 214 KB .pdf) - November 1997
Facility Demolition Completed - June 1996
March Demolition Update - One stack remains - March 1996
January Demolition Update - Demolition Continues - January 1996
Facility Demolition Begins - September 1995

Wyckoff/Eagle Harbor (West Harbor)

West Harbor Cleanup in Final Stages (3 p 41 KB .pdf) - October 1997
Fast Paced Cleanup - Finish by mid-Sept? (3 p 101 KB .pdf) - July 1997
West Harbor Rod Amendment Signed - October 1996
Public Comment Period for proposed Changes to Cleanup Plan - September 1996

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Point of contact: Andrea Lindsay
E-Mail: lindsay.andrea@epamail.epa.gov
Phone Number: (206) 553-1896
Last Updated: 02/22/2008