[Acoustics] WinRiver II Version 2.02

Kevin Oberg kaoberg at usgs.gov
Wed May 21 21:47:01 CDT 2008

USGS users of TRDI ADCPs, Data Chiefs, and others:

WinRiver II version 2.02 is available for download from the USGS 
Hydroacoustics web pages at 
_http://hydroacoustics.usgs.gov/movingboat/mbd_software.shtml_. WinRiver 
II  2.02 contains minor bug fixes to version 2.01 and 2.00 (recommended 
in OSW Technical Memorandum 2008.01). OSW recommends that USGS users 
upgrade to this version.  Upgrading should not result in any changes in 
measured discharge. Changes in this release are listed below.

WinRiver II:

    * Fixed incorrect Absorption coefficient (Processing page)
      conversion to English units.
    * Removed never used Wizard Summary fields.
    * Fixed resolution of elapsed time in classic ASCII Output format.
    * In playback set End Q to zero when in the middle of the river.
    * Fixed error message for non-admin users.
    * Fixed flag for Weighted mean depth value when exporting StreamPro
      XML file.
    * Fixed compatibility with old WinRiver for Longitudes less than 100
    * Fixed ASCII output when reporting bad depth data.
    * Fixed default header for depth sounder from "$GPDBT" to "$SDDBT".
    * Fixed problem with internal Bluetooth COM port on Dell laptops.

Known unresolved issues in this version or desired changes include the 

    * Missing ensembles reported as "Bad" instead of "Lost". This makes
      it difficult to diagnose communications issues. Ensembles marked
      bad, but are actually lost will have a temperature, pitch, and
      roll of "bad" in the composite tabular.
    * Composite tabular Total Q does not include last edge after ending
      a transect during data collection. The correct total discharge can
      be found in the discharge summary (F12) during data collection.
      After a transect is reprocessed the composite tabular Total Q will
      be correct.
    * Moving bed test data file is lost if no file delimiter is used. It
      is recommended that the default delimiter of "Underscore" be used
      until this issue is resolved.
    * Under certain circumstances, WRII will crash after reentering
      configuration wizard . If this happens, try the following: prior
      to loading the measurement select File... New Measurement... then
      press Cancel when the Setup Dialog appears. After doing this, you
      should be able to load the previous measurement and run the
      configuration wizard without crashing.
    * WRII will crash or lock-up during setup when certain ADCP depths
      (0.32 or 0.33 ft) are specified.
    * Can not run RGTest when StreamPro is connected. RGTest can only be
      run on Rio Grande ADCPs.
    * Need option to place measurement number in output directory name.
      This enhancement would provide unique directory names.
    * Having the discharge profile plot open during data collection may
      cause WRII to crash. Close the discharge profile plot while
      collecting data.
    * Locking measurement method not compatible with all Unix data
      storage. Currently WinRiver II marks a file as "locked" by
      changing the file permission's to read only. Due to file
      permissions or other settings, some Unix file systems to not honor
      WRII's request to change the file permission's. When this occurs,
      WRII indicates that the files is locked. However when reloaded the
      measurement the file will be listed as unlocked because the files
      permission's did not get set to read only.
    * RGTest "PASS" count not consistent. This seems to happen more
      often on computers with communications issues.
    * With reference set to none, some composite tabular values have
      labels indicating the reference is none, but are actually being
      referenced to bottom track. The values affected are those that
      need a reference to be calculated, such as discharge. The labels
      should be changed in future versions to indicate how they are
      being calculated.
    * Can not select WM13 if StreamPro is not connected. When the
      StreamPro is connected and detected inside of WinRiver, water mode
      13 can be selected.
    * Error when attempting to create ASCII out files over network (ie.
      \\GS\adcp_data\) To work around this problem, map the network
      drive to a drive letter.
    * Measurement summary, site information, remarks print as one long
      line. Manually add returns at the end of the line to get the lines
      to fit in the remarks.
    * Applying speed of sound changes to all transects does not work as
    * Moving bed test option in not available after recording regular
      transect. To collect a moving bed transect after a regular
      transect, stop and start pinging. After this the options will be
      available again.
    * Small changes to thresholds not always applied. Occasionally when
      making small incremental changes to a threshold value, the value
      will not be applied.
    * Changing from Earth to Ship coordinates eliminates WRII filters
      and thresholds. Process transects in Earth coordinates, so that
      filters and thresholds are correctly applied to the data.
    * In prior versions of WinRiver, the flow speed listed in the
      discharge history (F12) for a moving bed test was used to help
      determine the potential percentage of moving bed. In WinRiver II,
      moving bed test are not displayed in the discharge history because
      they are not part of the discharge measurement. To get a mean flow
      speed for a moving bed test in the current version, average all of
      the ensembles together and use the Water Speed reported in the
      Composite Tabular view. A requested enhancement is to add Flow
      Speed to Detailed Discharge Tabular view.
    * Standard deviations reported in Q measurement summary printout are
      incorrect. The correct values are listed in the discharge summary
    * A requested enhancement is to change default filename prefix from
      station name to station number to allow for more uniform file naming.
    * A requested enhancement is to all the import Site Information from
      previous discharge measurements.
    * A requested enhancement is to report the total measurement
      duration and statistics.
    * A requested enhancement is to provide the ability to break-up
      transects collected as a single measurement into multiple
      measurements. This will be very valuable in tidal situations.

Section by Section:

    * Changed rounding of StreamPro maximum depth when in English units.
    * Reset section number if pinging stopped.
    * Changed logic for StreamPro Mode 13 valid pings calculation to
      remove error message.
    * Changed measurement time to zero for the edges.
    * Changed end edge start time to account for the time the previous
      section lasted.
    * Changed measured discharge calculation.
    * Fixed flag for Weighted mean depth value when exporting StreamPro
      XML file.
    * Changed default for EX-command for Rio Grande from earth to ship.

OSW has not completed testing of the SxS module and continues to 
recommend that only the standard "moving boat" portion of the software 
be used. If use of the SxS module is necessary, the results should be 
quality assured with comparison measurements or other approaches 
suggested by OSW personnel. OSW will be glad to assist users willing to 
test the SxS module.

Known unresolved issues or desired changes in SxS include the following:

    * Cannot set a unique ADCP depth for each panel.
    * Permissions issues on network drive may not allow print Q summary
      to work.
    * Cannot edit section location information when reprocessing.
    * No discharge/velocity graph for viewing and evaluation of the
      extrapolation method used.
    * First and last measured sections have zero top Q with Ice flow type.
    * Cannot mark a section as not used when reprocessing.
    * Thresholds available in standard WinRiver are not available in SxS.
    * Cross section can not contain both Ice and open channel
      extrapolation methods.
    * Pressing ctrl + F5 crashes SxS on some computers
    * Data collected with StreamPro SxS are not always imported correctly.
    * Loading incorrect workspace files may cause toolbar buttons to
      become incorrect.
    * Cannot reload a measurement file to continue data collection.

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