Ground-water conditions in southern Florida

All data presented on this site are considered to be PROVISIONAL DATA and subject to revision pending further review.

the surface-water system Sites Reporting Within the Past 14 Days as of October 17, 2008

(--, Data not available; referenced water levels are daily maximum elevation values for ground-water sites, daily mean values for surface-water sites; all elevation values are in feet above sea level as represented by the National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929); maximum and minimum values refer to instrument-logged water levels collected since the 1982 water year, and prior to the current water year. Stations with less than 5 years of instrumented record are excluded from comparison. )

Station Name USGS Site ID Water level Date and Time Minimum Maximum
(for month of October, for the period of record )
SITE 64 255828080401301 11.88 2008.10.15 12:00 10.45 12.67
SITE 76 260037080303401 9.19 2008.10.15 12:00 7.71 9.53
SITE 99 260810080222001 10.84 2008.10.15 12:00 9.67 11.89
SITE 62 261023080443001 12.65 2008.10.15 12:00 11.14 13.54
SITE 63 261117080315201 12.50 2008.10.15 12:00 10.47 13.18
SITE 19 261710080190001 13.48 2008.10.15 12:00 12.57 15.02
SITE 17 262240080258001 13.55 2008.10.15 12:00 12.60 14.90
LOX. RVR AT MILE 9.1 265906080093500 3.19 2008.10.15 12:00 -- --
SITE 9 262750080175001 17.38 2008.10.15 12:00 16.48 17.89
SITE 7 263180080205001 17.39 2008.10.15 12:00 16.43 18.12
INDUSTRIAL CANAL 264514080550700 15.21 2008.10.15 12:00 12.31 18.70
WPB CANAL AT S-352 02278000 9.59 2008.10.15 12:00 12.23 18.55
TAYLOR CREEK NEAR OKEECHOBEE, 02274010 23.42 2008.10.16 12:00 -- --
HILLSBORO CA AT S6 02281200 9.90 2008.10.15 12:00 9.21 12.13
MIA CANAL @ S-354/S-3 02286400 8.74 2008.10.15 12:00 9.46 12.71
MIA CANAL @ S-8 02286700 12.41 2008.10.15 12:00 11.10 15.10
IMPERIAL RIVER 02291500 8.85 2008.10.15 12:00 3.87 13.66
SNAKE CK CANAL @ NW67TH AV 02286200 2.52 2008.10.16 12:00 1.95 5.13
MIA CANAL @ 36th ST 02288600 2.10 2008.10.16 12:00 1.70 3.66
EVER4 IN C-111 BASIN 252036080324300 2.68 2008.10.16 12:00 1.86 3.51
GATOR SLOUGH AT US41 02293261 16.14 2008.10.16 12:00 15.12 18.04
FISHEATING CREEK AT PALMDALE, 02256500 3.37 2008.10.16 12:00 1.05 7.47
NESRS2 254315080331500 7.29 2008.10.15 12:00 5.88 8.51
SITE 65 254848080432001 11.32 2008.10.15 12:00 9.90 11.87
SITE 71 255250080335001 8.76 2008.10.15 12:00 7.92 9.76
SITE 69 255300080370001 11.93 2008.10.15 12:00 0.04 2.25

Funding for the USGS to design and maintain this site has been provided through a cooperative agreement with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD). Water-level conditions are monitored by the USGS with support from Federal, State, and local cooperators.

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