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Rodenticides Background


Current as of May 28, 2008

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Final Risk Mitigation for Human Health and Ecological Protection

In May 2008, EPA announced its decision regarding risk mitigation to resolve human health and ecological risk issues presented by the rodenticides included in these assessments. Information about this decision is available in docket EPA-HQ-OPP-2006-0955 from Regulations.gov, and in a fact sheet.

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Rodenticide REDs

EPA issued Reregistration Eligibility Decisions (REDs) for the Rodenticide Cluster (PDF) (319 pp, 1.1 MB, about PDF) and Zinc Phosphide (PDF) (225 pp, 901k, about PDF) in 1998. In these risk management decision documents, the Agency expressed concern about accidental human exposures to rodenticides, as well as risks to nontarget wildlife.

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Children's Exposure Timeline

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Comparative Ecological Risk Assessment for Nine Rodenticides

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For More Information

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