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Steps in Developing a Bioassessment and Biocriteria Program

Preliminary Classification of Ecosystems under Consideration and the Selection of Reference Sites

The classification entails the division of the aquatic ecosystems into classes or groups based on physical and geographic characteristics not subject to human perturbation. The intent of classification is to identify the smallest number of classes which, under ideal conditions, would represent comparable biological communities.  These classes are usually developed for specific waterbody types, such as rivers and streams, lakes, estuaries and wetlands. The classes are often further subdivided where necessary to provide further ecosystem specificity within a group. Subclassification is often done based on ecoregions and/or waterbody size.

A set of multiple reference sites are then selected from within each ecosystem class. The reference sites are those least impaired by human influence and are characteristic of the biological community represented by that particular class. For better statistical power, each class should have a minimum of 5 to 10 reference sites from which the biocriteria are to be developed for that particular class.

For further information, go to EPA classification and reference site selection guidance for: (1) Streams and Small Rivers, (2) Lakes, and (3) Estuaries.


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