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About the Program

Biocriteria in the Water Quality Criteria and Standards Plan

EPA's bioassessment and biocriteria program began in 1988 to help fulfill the Clean Water Act objective to "restore and maintain the physical, chemical, and biological integrity of the Nation's waters." Much has been accomplished since the start of the program; however, further progress is necessary over the next decade to realize the full potential of bioassessments and biocriteria for managing water quality and protecting aquatic life in all water bodies.

The Water Quality Criteria and Standards Plan describes six new criteria and standards program initiatives that EPA and the states and tribes will take over the next decade.  Key objectives and key activities for completing the development and implementation of bioassessments and biocriteria for use in state and tribal water quality standards programs outlined in the plan are listed below.

Key Objectives

  • EPA will develop bioassessment methods and biocriteria technical guidance for all waterbody types, e.g. lakes, rivers, wetlands, etc., for use by State and Tribal water quality programs for improving aquatic life use designations, assessing attainment of those uses and for making better decisions in water quality protection and restoration.
  • EPA will support the States and Tribes in their adoption of bioassessments and biocriteria as key components of their water quality programs.

Key Activities

A number of key activities are necessary to meet the biocriteria objectives outlined in the Water Quality Criteria and Standards Plan.

Goals of the Bioassessment and Biocriteria Program

  • All states use bioassessments to evaluate the health of aquatic life in all waterbodies
  • Quantifiable biocriteria are in all state/tribal water quality standards to protect aquatic life uses
  • Biocriteria/bioassessments used in ongoing regulatory programs
  • Biocriteria/bioassessments used to assess the effectiveness of water quality management efforts
  • Bioassessment data and biocriteria used to better communicate the health of the Nation's waters


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