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Steps in Developing a Bioassessment and Biocriteria Program

Metric Evaluation and Index Development

Potential metrics which have ecological relevance are identified and tested in this step. These measures should reflect biological properties which are shown to be sensitive to environmental impairment such as richness, diversity and dominance indexes, biomass and mean individual size measurements, trophic shifts, health indexes, abundance proportions of taxonomic groups, and the presence or dominance of tolerant (opportunistic) and sensitive species. Metrics are then evaluated for their ability to differentiate between impaired and minimally impaired sites. Values from various scales of measurements are transformed to scores, which are normally incorporated into an index, such as the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI). Metrics may also be used individually as indicators of biological condition in the overall assessment, after they have been reevaluated using the new data set.

Read more information on metric evaluation and index development for Streams and Small Rivers, Lakes, and Estuaries.



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