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Steps in Developing a Bioassessment and Biocriteria Program

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Planning - Establish the Management Framework

Establish a Policy

Establish a policy that includes a long term goal to restore and maintain the biological integrity of state or tribal surface waters, an interim goal of achieving attainable biological conditions and an implementation plan for refinement of designated aquatic life uses and development and application of biological criteria.

EPA recommends that states and Indian tribes establish a policy which includes a long term biological integrity goal for their surface waters and an interim goal of achieving optimal, attainable biological conditions. This should include an explanation, or reference to information, on how the policy will be applied in their water quality-based programs and an implementation plan to achieve the policy goals - including the development of scientific methods and criteria to translate the goal statements into quantitative descriptions of state or tribal aquatic life use classifications.

Establish an Implementation Plan

This plan should describe a state's or tribe's long term biological integrity goal for restoring and maintaining the biological integrity of surface waters, the interim goal of achieving attainable biological conditions in their surface waters, and the development of biological assessment methods and criteria that reflect specific life use designations. The purpose of this plan ensure that the development of biological criteria is integrally linked to a state or tribe's water classification system and long term water quality goals. Plan should include:

  • Establishing long term and interim biological goals
  • Classifying uses to support aquatic life
  • Plans for developing bioassessment methods and biocriteria that reflect specific aquatic life use designations
  • Plan for characterizing aquatic communities based on appropriate reference conditions for specific designated aquatic life uses
  • Reference conditions definitions
  • Plan for refining designated aquatic life uses

Describe Methods and Approach to Collect Necessary Data

Statement describing the methods and approach that will be employed to collect data necessary for translating the goal statement into quantitative descriptions of state and tribal use classifications. This statement serves as the outline for developing scientifically sound and rigorous biological criteria and should include:

  • How reference conditions for aquatic life use designations will be derived
  • Integrated biological, habitat, and chemical assessments in establishing the reference conditions
  • How methodological issues will be resolved, (e.g. appropriate level of taxonomy, sampling size, etc.).
  • Biological characteristics, structure and/or function of aquatic communities based on appropriate reference conditions

Describe How Biocriteria Will Be Applied in a State or Tribal Water Quality-Based Program

Statement describing how the state or tribe intends to apply the biological criteria in its water quality-based program. This plan should conceptually address how the state or tribe will implement biological criteria in their water quality program, including application of biological information prior to adoption of biological criteria in water quality standards, e.g. site specific assessments, screening, integrated water quality assessments using chemical, biological, and physical data. Appropriate applications of biocriteria include:

  • Refinement of designated aquatic life uses
  • Assessment of designated aquatic life use support for 305(b) reporting
  • Prioritization of watershed goals and targeting of actions, and
  • Site-specific assessment of best management practices for non-point sources of pollution.

Develop An Implementation Timetable

An implementation timetable should assist a state or tribe in planning and allocating resources for a sustained and consistent effort to develop biological criteria. It should be developed in conjunction with EPA and be based on available and projected Federal and state resources. If a state or tribe is either planning or implementing a watershed approach to water quality protection, the schedule and plan for development of biological assessment methods and criteria should be incorporated into the watershed plan and reflect state and tribal priorities. In the timetable, include:

  • Data collection activities
  • Data interpretation and calibration of metrics
  • Realistic schedule to develop biological assessment methods, and
  • Schedule to adopt biological criteria in water quality standards

The implementation plan and timetable should serve as a guide to EPA for prioritization of technical assistance to states and Indian tribes, allocation of resources for water quality monitoring and resource characterization, and program evaluation during water quality standards triennial review.

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