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Applications of Biological Assessment and Biocriteria Programs*

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Biological Monitoring and Assessment

Biological Criteria

Section 305(b)/ Reporting

  • Improving data for beneficial use assessment.

  • Improving water quality reporting.

  • Identifying waters that are not achieving their aquatic life use support.

  • Defining an understandable endpoint in terms of "biological health" or "biological integrity" of waterbodies."

National Estuaries Program

  • Assessing status of biological components of aquatic systems.

  • Develop monitoring objectives and performance criteria.

  • Establish testable hypothesis and select statistical methods.

  • Assessing  biological trends.

  • Select analytical methods & alternative sampling designs.

  • Evaluate expected monitoring study performance.

  • Implement monitoring study & data analysis.

  • Identifying waterbodies that are not attaining designated aquatic life use.

  • Defining  biological integrity based on a reference condition.

  • Identify impairments.

Section 319/Nonpoint Source Program

  • Evaluating nonpoint source impacts and sources.

  • Measuring site-specific ecosystem response to remediation or mitigation activities.

  • Assessing biological resource trends within watersheds.

  • Determining effectiveness of nonpoint source controls.

Watershed Protection Approach

  • Assessing biological resource trends within watersheds.

  • Setting goals for watershed and regional planning.


  • Identifying biological assemblage and habitat impairments that indicate nonattainment of water quality standards.

  • Priority ranking waterbodies.

  • Documenting ecological/water quality response as a result of TMDL implementation.

  • Identifying water quality-limited waters that require TMDLs.

  • Establishing endpoints for TMDL development, i.e., measuring success.

NPDES Permitting

  • Measuring improvement or lack of improvement of mitigation efforts.

  • Developing protocols that demonstrate relationship of biological metrics to effluent characteristics.

  • Performing aquatic life use compliance monitoring.

  • Helping to verify that NPDES permit limits are resulting in achievement of state water quality standard.

State Monitoring Programs

  • Improving water quality reporting.

  • Documenting improvement or lack of improvement of mitigation efforts including  clean-up efforts, TMDL application, NPDES efforts, nonpoint source pollution controls, etc.

  • Problem identification and trend assessment.

  • Providing benchmark for measuring effectiveness of controls and performing watershed/ regional planning.

Risk Assessment

  • Providing data needed to estimate ecological risk to assessment endpoints.

  • Developing  an assessment or measurement endpoint.

Water Quality Criteria and Standards

  • Developing data bases for  phytoplankton, macroinvertebrates, fish plants, and other assemblages.

  • Developing indices that assess biota compared to reference.

  • Providing benchmark for identifying waterbodies that are not attaining aquatic life use support.

  • Permitting refining aquatic life use classifications.

  • Allowing development of  site-specific biological standards.

Section 301(h)/ Waiver Program

  • Meeting the requirement for dischargers conducting extensive biological monitoring programs to detect detrimental effects on biological communities.

  • Providing a threshold against which to measure detrimental effects on biological communities.

Section 403(c)/Ocean Discharge Program

  • Meeting the requirement for certain marine dischargers to provide an assessment of discharge impact on biological community in discharge area as well as surrounding communities.

  • Providing a threshold against which to measure discharger impacts on biological communities.

Section 304(a)/ Criteria Methodology

  • Provides information on the effects of pollutants on the biological community.

  • Providing a benchmark for measuring the effects of pollutants on the biological community.

* Table adapted from:Estuarine and Coastal Marine Waters Bioassessment and Biocriteria Technical Guidance (to be published in late 2000)

Biological Indicators

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