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States and Tribes

Biocriteria Links

Adopting Biocriteria into Water Quality Standards Programs

Introduction to the Water Quality Standards Program

EPA recommends a phased, iterative approach to the adoption of biological criteria into state and tribal water quality standards that integrally links the development of a bioassessment and criteria program with refinement of a state's or tribe's classification system for designated aquatic life uses.

Refinement of designated aquatic life uses establishes the fundamental management framework for implementation of biocriteria in state and tribal water quality programs. EPA recommends that states and tribes stratify their designated aquatic life uses based on bioregional expectations as well as state and tribal management objectives for the waterbody. Development of a tiered designated aquatic life use system can occur concurrently with biological criteria development.

The phased approach is iterative. It emphasizes the building of state and tribal capacity and experience with biological assessments and standardized protocols in conjunction with refinement of designated aquatic life uses, development of regional expectations and narrative biocriteria, all prior to adoption of numeric biocriteria into water quality standards.


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