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National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Compliance Inspection Manual

The National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Compliance Inspection Manual provides guidance on NPDES inspections of wastewater treatment plants, storm water industrial and construction sites, pretreatment facilities, biosolids handling and treatment facilities, Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), municipal wastewater collection systems (combined and separate from storm water) as well as pollution prevention and multimedia concerns. These procedures are fundamental to the NPDES compliance program and provide inspectors with a method for conducting inspections.

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Full document (PDF) (802 pp, 9.79MB) July 2004
Full document, excluding Appendices (PDF) (525 pp, 10.9MB)

Document by Chapters:
Foreword, Acknowledgements, Disclaimer, Table of Contents (PDF) (24 pp, 141K)
Chapter 1 - Introduction (PDF) (18 pp, 147K)
Chapter 2 - Inspection Procedures (PDF) (41 pp, 282K)
Chapter 3 - Documentation/Record keeping and Recording (PDF) (16 pp, 137K)
Chapter 4 - Facility Site Review (PDF) (34 pp, 272K)
Chapter 5 - Sampling (PDF) (30 pp, 262K)
Chapter 6 - Flow Measurement (PDF) (19 pp, 172K)
Chapter 7 - Laboratory Procedures and Quality Assurance (PDF) (23 pp, 144K)
Chapter 8 - Toxicity (PDF) (21 pp, 173K)
Chapter 9 - Pretreatment (PDF) (26 pp, 670K)
Chapter 10 - Sewage Sludge (Biosolids) (PDF) (60 pp, 487K)
Chapter 11 - Storm Water (PDF) (45 pp, 316K)
Chapter 12 - Combined Sewer Overflows (PDF) (21 pp, 132K)
Chapter 13 - Sanitary Sewer Overflows (PDF) (14 pp, 107K)
Chapter 14 - Pollution Prevention (PDF) (32 pp, 241K)
Chapter 15 - Multi Media Concerns (PDF) (16 pp, 86K)
Chapter 16 - Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (PDF) (57 pp, 368K)
Chapter 17 - App, earing as A Witness (PDF) (9 pp, 67K)
Chapter 18 - Glossary of Terms (PDF) (17 pp, 121K)
Appendix A - EPA Order 3500.1, Training and Development for Compliance Inspectors/Field Investigators (PDF) (10 pp, 80K)
Appendix B - EPA Order 1440.2, Health and Safety Requirements for Employees Engaged in Field Activities (PDF) (7 pp, 66K)
Appendix C - Revised Fact Sheet: Safety and Health Requirements for EPA Inspectors (PDF) (10 pp, 90K)
Appendix E - Sample Section 308 Letter (PDF) (4 pp, 33K)
Appendix F - Final Fact Sheet: The Do's and Don'ts of Using U.S. EPA Credentials (PDF) (8 pp, 160K)
Appendix G - EPA's Memorandum on Entry Procedures (PDF) (11 pp, 133K)
Appendix H - Digital Camera Guidance for EPA Civil Inspections and Investigations (PDF) (16 pp, 597K) Revised August 2006
Appendix I - EPA's Memorandum on Deficiency Notice Guidance (PDF) (6 pp, 64K)
Appendix J - NPDES Compliance Inspection Report Form 3560-3 (PDF) (8 pp, 445K) Revised April 2006
Appendix K - Sample Discharge Monitoring Report Form (PDF) (4 pp, 62K)
Appendix L - App, roved Methods for the Analysis of Sewage Sludge (40 CFR Part 503) (PDF) (4 pp, 59K)
Appendix M - Example Chain-of-Custody Form (PDF) (4 pp, 39K)
Appendix N - Updated Fact Sheet: Department of Transportation Hazardous Materials Training (PDF) (6 pp, 168K)
Appendix O - Supp, lemental Flow Measurement Information (PDF) (26 pp, 797K)
Appendix P - NPDES Industrial Storm Water Investigation and Case Development Worksheet (Industrial) (PDF) (10 pp, 71K)
Appendix Q - Industrial Source Control BMP Questions (PDF) (6 pp, 57K)
Appendix R - NPDES Industrial Storm Water Investigation and Case Development Worksheet (PDF) (15 pp, 87K)
Appendix S - Construction Source Control BMP Questions (PDF) (4 pp, 44K)
Appendix T - Notice of Intent (NOI) Form (PDF) (6 pp, 444K)
Appendix U - Rain Zones of the United States (PDF) (4 pp, 45K) Revised April 2006
Appendix V - Typical "C" Coefficients (PDF) (4 pp, 38K)
Appendix W - Notice of Termination (NOT) Form (PDF) (4 pp, 406K)
Appendix X - No Exposure Certification Form (PDF) (6 pp, 84K)
Appendix Y - Media-Specific Inspection Components Excerpted (and updated) from EPA's Multi Media Investigation Manual (PDF) (35 pp, 246K)
Appendix Z - National Multi Media Screening Inspection Worksheet (PDF) (20 pp, 89K)
Appendix AA - Bio-Security Guidance (PDF) (8 pp, 72K)
Appendix BB - NPDES CAFO Permit NMP Nine Minimum Standards Review Checklist (PDF) (13 pp, 37K)
Appendix CC - Integrated Compliance Information System (ICIS) Screen Shots (PDF) (20 pp, 453K)

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