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ID A-2-88-MB
Also Known As A-2-88-NC
Dive 2131
Dive 2130
Dive 2129
Dive 2128
Dive 2127
Dive 2126
Dive 2125
Dive 2124
Dive 2123
Dive 2122
Abstract United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California,Moss Landing Marine Laboratories,Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute. Chief Scientists: Bill Normark, Steve Eittreim. Geological and Geophysical data (pushcore, grab, nets, underwatercamera, underwatertelevision) of field activity A-2-88-MB in Monterey Bay, Northern California from 10/21/1988 to 10/31/1988
Organization United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
Moss Landing Marine Laboratories
Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute
Chief Scientist Bill Normark
Steve Eittreim
Activity Type Geological and Geophysical
Platform Atlantis II-Alvin
Area of Operation
Monterey Bay, Northern California
Location map A-2-88-MB location map of where navigation equipment operated
Bounding Coordinates 36.75000
-123.01667    -122.03333
Dates 10/21/1988 (JD 295) to 10/31/1988 (JD 305)
Analog Materials list
Index map

A-2-88-MB map of where navigation equipment operated

Bill Normark Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Steve Eittreim Chief Scientist, USGS Western Region
Gregor Cailliet Biologist, Dive 2124
T. Tengdin Pilot, Dive 2124, 2128
James Watanabe Biologist, Dive 2127
Paul Tibbetts Pilot, Dive 2127, 2131
Gary Greene Geologist, Dive 2128, 2131, USGS Western Region
Chris Harrold Biologist, Dive 2128
Robert Embley Geologist, Dive 2130
Frederick Rentschler Biologist, Dive 2130
P. Hickey Pilot, Dive 2130
Charles Baxter Biologist, Dive 2131
Equipment Used
To sample the oldest sections of sediment exposed in the eroded part
of the present Monterey fan valley. To investigate the modern erosional/
depositional processes of the valley floor and the lithology and age of
eroded and outcropping valley-wall strata.
Ten Alvin dives from the mother ship Atlantis II were conducted in
the Monterey fan valley. Two observers' seats on each of these dives were
occupied by a geologist and a biologist. Camera bottom-sled tows were made
along 2- to 8-km long tracks during the non-dive time aboard the Atlantis II.
Samples of sea-floor muds were obtained using 30-cm core tubes (up to six
per dive) pushed into the bottom with one of Alvin's manipulators. More
consolidated sediments and rocks were sampled using the manipulator claw and
biological nets. Color photographs from the bow-mounted Alvin camera and
video tapes from both the bow-mounted black and white silicon-intensified
target camera and the arm-mounted color camera were obtained regularly
during times on bottom with Alvin. Collection of smaples of lifeforms as well
as their mud substrates was made on three separate dives using Alvin's
The ten Monterey Canyon Alvin dives were:
2122 10/21/88 Emory Kristof, Bill Hamner, P. Hickey
2123 10/22/88 Emory Kristof, Eugenie Clark, Paul Tibbetts
2124 10/23/88 Bill Normark, Gregor Cailliet, T. Tengdin
2125 10/24/88 Emory Kristof, Eugenie Clark, G. Rajcula
2126 10/25/88 Bruce Robison, Richare Gore, P. Hickey
2127 10/26/88 Steve Eittreim, James Watanabe, Paul Tibbetts
2128 10/27/88 Chris Harrold, Gary Greene, T. Tengdin
2129 10/28/88 Chris Harrold, Michael Foster, G. Rajcula
2130 10/29/88 Robert Embley, Frederick Rentschler, P. Hickey
2131 10/30/88 Gary Greene, Charles Baxter, Paul Tibbetts
Eittreim, S.L., Embley, R.W., Normark, William R., Greene, H.G., McHugh, C.M., and
Ryan, W.B.F., 1989, Observations in Monterey Canyon and fan valley using the submersible
Alvin and a photographic sled: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 89-0291, 28 p.,
1 sheet.

Embley, Robert W., Eittreim, S.L., McHugh, C.H., Normark, W.R., Rau, G.H., Hecker, B.,
DeBevoise, A.E., Greene, H. Gary, Ryan, W.B.F., Harrold, C., and Baxter, C., 1990, Geological
setting of chemosynthetic communities in the Monterey Fan Valley system: Deep-Sea Research,
Part A: Oceanographic Research Papers, v. 37, no. 11, p. 1651-1667.
Got Help? For A-2-88-MB, we would appreciate any information on -- contract, days at sea, dive count, funding, information specialist, information to be derived, kms of navigation, national plan, NGDC Info, notes, owner, ports, project, project number, scanned materials, seismic description, station count, station description, submersible, tabulated info.


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