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Areawide Pest Management for Wheat
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Growers - AWPM for Wheat
headline bar
1 -
2 - Larry Young
3 - Alton Lerwick
4 - Chris Rundell
5 - Joe Caughlin
6 - Eddie Bryan
7 - Dan Krienke
8 - The Kislings
9 - Bob Howard
10 - Todd and Cary Wickstrom
11 - Tom Nighswonger
12 - Norman Roth
13 - Wes Phillips
14 - Rodney Hern
15 - Brook Strader
16 - Stan Cass


About 146 growers participate in our program.
Below are some of the growers who exemplify
the elements of the AWPM for Wheat program.



Larry Young, Blackwell, Oklahoma

"click here to read more about Larry Young and his operation"     
Blackwell, OK., grower Larry Young spoke about his use of some of the AWPM for Wheat elements. Larry came from a background in dry land wheat using a conventional tillage system. Before changing his practices, he farmed dry land wheat and grazed stocker cattle. He changed to crop rotation about 7 to 8 years ago, followed by no-till practice shortly afterward. Larry spoke about crop rotation, crop diversification, no-till practices and variety selection.

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Alton Lerwick, Lyman, Nebraska

"click here to read more about Alton Lerwick and his operation"     
Recently, Nebraska grower and AWPM for Wheat cooperator Alton Lerwick received the Master Conservationist Award from the Omaha World-Herald and the University of Nebraska for his conservation efforts. Alton spoke with Dave Christian about his management practices. They included crop rotation, no-till practices, conservation and the new Russian wheat aphid biotype.


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Chris Rundell, Lamar, Colorado

"click here to read more about Chris Rundell and hhis operation"     
Chris Rundell farms 12,000 acres and runs a cow-calf operation in Prowers County, Colorado, using continuous cropping, minimum or conservation tillage, and opportunistic grazing practices. Hayley Miller and Laurie Kerzicnik from Colorado State spoke with Chris about his operation. He spoke about soil moisture, his cattle and resistant varieties, among other topics.

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Joe Caughlin, Tonkawa, Oklahoma

"click here to read more about Joe Caughlin and his operation"     
Joe Caughlin and his family operate in Tonkawa, OK. The operation focuses on certified seed wheat production and cow-calf pairs. His diverse farming illustrates innovativeness while remaining true to the traditional aspects of the family farm. Sean Keenan spoke with Joe about his operation. Joe spoke about his commitment to his faith and family, as well as his certified see production, cattle and maintaining quality.

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Eddie Bryan, Happy, Texas

"click to read more about Eddie Bryan and his operation"     
Eddie Bryan farms dryland wheat and milo for grain and raises stocker cattle near Happy, Texas. He manages pests through the balance of crop rotation, a graze-out program and a wheat variety that grow well in dryland conditions. Sean Keenan talked with him about his ability to farm in dryland conditions, his joy of building implements to match his scale of farming and riding his Harley Davidson.

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Dan Krienke, Perryton, Texas

"click here to read more about Dan Krienke and his operation"     
Dan Krienke operates dryland and irrigated farms in Ochiltree and Lipscomb counties in the Northeast Texas Panhandle near Perryton. His dryland operations have expanded in size and scope in both counties to include wheat- grain sorghum- fallow rotations. Texas Extension's Scott Strawn talked with Dan about how he intensively manages his crops and aggressively approaches marketing.

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Kent Kisling and family, Burlington, Oklahoma

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The Kislings farm about 6,500 acres just below the Kansas border in Burlington, OK. OSU's Shanna Boyett and Alfalfa County Extension Educator Tommy Puffinbarger spoke with the family about farming together, crop rotation and no-till, as well as advantages of cooperating with the AWPM for Wheat program.

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Bob Howard, Headrick, Oklahoma

"click here to read more about the Bob Howard and his operation"     
Bob Howard farms wheat and runs cattle about nine miles east of Altus, OK. He works closely with Cooperative Extension, and he is described as an innovative grower because of his willingness to try new technologies. He spoke to Diane Varner, Web/update editor, and Gary Strickland, Jackson County Extension Educator, about selecting varieties, trying new technologies, and hands-on farming.

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Todd Wickstrom, Orchard, Colorado

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Todd Wickstrom and his family operate an integrated beef, winter wheat, and rotational crop farm. Their farm began when their great grandfather, Peter Wickstrom, homesteaded. Todd and his brother, Cary, have divided the farm management so each has primary responsibility for different enterprises and work operations. Todd takes care of the dryland crop management, and Cary manages the beef operation. D. Bruce Bosley spoke with Todd about the farm's operations, including dryland crop rotation and drought; minimizing Russian wheat aphid problems; and using flexible management to weather the drought.

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Tom Nighswonger, Alva, Oklahoma

"click here to read more about Tom Nighswonger and his operation"     
Tom Nighswonger owns a cattle-wheat operation west of Alva, OK. He has the operation set up as a corporation. Many of his family members own stock in the operation. He takes care of wheat, and also tends to the cattle together with his sister, Sally.  Extension educator James Rhodes spoke with Tom about his operation. Tom spoke about his interest in trying new technologies, soil sampling, weed challenge and his cattle.

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Norman Roth and his children, Cami and Colton, Sterling, Kansas

"click here to read more about the Roths operation"     
Norman Roth owns a farm in South Central Kansas. This farm lies in the Northwest portion of Reno County, an area of diverse agriculture. His operation is an integration of wheat, row crops, and cattle. Intensive Management, with attention to detail, is the best way to describe the Roths’ approach to crop and livestock production. Reno County extension Agent Greg McCormack talked with Norman about how he uses crop rotation, weed and disease control and integration in his farm’s operation. 

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Wes Phillips and his son-in-law, Marv Buescher, Bushnell, Nebraska

"click here to read more about the Phillips operation"     
Wes Phillips and his family operate in southwest Kimball County, Nebraska. Wes has been recognized and received awards for his conservation efforts. The family’s dryland farmland produces wheat, sunflowers, and hay millet. Their livestock operation focuses on cow-calf pairs. Dave Christians spoke with Wes and Marv about their management practices, which included conservation, varietal selection and agronomic practices.

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Rodney Hern and his wife, Pat, Wakita, Oklahoma

"click here to read more about the Herns operation"     
Rodney Hern runs a cow/calf and wheat operation outside of Wakita, OK and he collaborates in the USDA-ARS Areawide Pest Management for Wheat Project. He and his wife, Pat, farm about 10,000 acres in Oklahoma and Kansas. Rodney has worked closely with both Oklahoma and Kansas Extension educators. He said he also has a good working relationship with Scott Price, Grant County extension agent.

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Brook Strader, Okeene, Oklahoma

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Brook and his wife Cody manage 1875 acres of cropland and 400 acres of grassland in Blaine and Major Counties. The operation’s crops consist of wheat, canola, alfalfa, grain sorghum, German millet and sudan grass. Brook also has a purebred Angus cattle operation of around 100 cows. He sells a few bred heifers each year as well as a number of bulls.

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Stan Cass and his wife, Cecily, Briggsdale, Colorado

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Stan Cass is an AWPM cooperator and farms at Briggsdale, CO, 42 miles east of Ft. Collins.  He lives in Eaton, CO with his wife, Cecily. His Cass Farms Company contains about 6, 000 acres of crop land and pasture which supports crops, now primarily millet and triticale, and they also have a cow/calf operation. His son as a partner helps with the farm full time. When his grandsons finish college, they will likely return to the farm to help.

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Last Modified: 01/11/2008
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