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Mail Management U.S. Postal Service (USPS) Resources

Devoanna Reels
(202) 501-3781

Derrick K Miliner
(202) 273-3564

Federal Mail
(202) 501-6245

The following list of websites represent a best attempt to identify sources that support a mail communications curriculum. GSA does not guarantee that the listing of websites is comprehensive.

USPS Websites

Resources for Mail Piece Design

USPS Home Page

USPS Postal Bulletins

Zip Code Look Up Address Information (a nongovernment website)

National Customer Support Center for products, services, publications, certification programs, ZIP Code Lookup and Address Information

USPS Products available (a nongovernment website)

Postal rate calculator home page for Domestic and International

United States Postal Inspection Service Account, Inquiry Help and Forms.

USPS Rapid Information Bulletin Board System. Most of the information on the bulletin board is free. Links to Addressing, ACS, CAPS, CASS, CDS, Classification Reform, Federal Register Notices, Global Delivery Services, Rates, Weather, ZIP Alerts and more. Links to Mailers Companion, Quick Service Guides and Postal Explorer.

Centralized Automated Payment System-Overview, Services and Supplies, Q & A, Account Inquiry