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Today in Earthquake History

Today in Earthquake History

Today's Earthquake Fact:
The term seismic seiche was first coined by Anders Kvale in 1955, to describe oscillation of lake levels in Norway and England caused by the Assam earthquake of August, 1950.

March   12

Note: All earthquake dates are UTC, not local time.

Year Location Magnitude Comment
1934 Near Kosmo, Utah

6.6 The largest historical earthquake in Utah.
This earthquake occurred in Hansel Valley, a sparsely populated area. Two people were killed. Property damage was limited mainly to downed chimneys and cracked walls in poorly constructed brick buildings. Chimneys were downed in several towns in the county, including Hooper, Kelton, Kosmo, Locomotive Springs, Monument, and Snowville. Large rockslides occurred at Aragonite, Lakeside, Monument Rock, and Snowville. An outstanding feature of this earthquake was the large quantity of water emitted from the craterlets and fissures that developed in the area.
1957 Andreanof Islands, Alaska

7.0 One of the Largest Earthquakes in the United States.

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