Teaching American History

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News and Events

The news and events section provides updates on the Teaching American History grant program as well as other history-related organizations' activities. These activities include, announcements, conferences, publications, and additional resources.

History Related Resources

American Historical Association

Arts and Entertainment

Bill of Rights Institute

Center for Civic Education

Center for History and New Media

Center for Media & Learning

Colonial Williamsburg Foundation

Constitution Day-Notice of Implementation

2008 Constitution Day Resources

Constitutional Rights Foundation--Social Studies, Civic Education, Service-Learning, Law-Related Education, Civic Participation

Facing History and Ourselves

James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation

Library of Congress National Digital Library Program

National Archives Digital Classroom

National Association of Scholars

National Center for History in the Schools

National Council for History Education

National Council for the Social Studies

National Endowment for the Humanities

National History Day

National Humanities Center Professional Development Seminar Toolboxes

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Preserve America Initiative

National Trust for Historic Preservation

Organization of American Historians

Smithsonian Institution

The American Institute for History Education

The Close Up Foundation

The Concord Review

The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History

The History Channel

The Watson Institute at Brown University

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Last Modified: 08/28/2008