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SDWIS Training

Course List

Introductory Pivot Table Training

Course Description: This course will provide an introduction to using SDWISFED-based MS Excel PivotTables. We'll cover the basics on how to access and analyze data using them, and describe what's avalable in commonly-used PivotTables you can download off the web. We'll give you some homework questions, with answers, to help you develop hands-on skills. And at the end we'll teach you how to create your own PivotTables

Sponsored by: U.S. EPA

Intended for:

Duration: 2 hours

For More Information, Contact: Lee Kyle (kyle.lee@epa.gov), 202-564-4622

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SDWIS/STATE Advanced User

Course Description: In this course students will learn how to use the modules that are typically implemented after a user State or Region becomes proficient in the basic SDWIS/STATE modules introduced in the Introductory User Training Course. These “advanced” modules include the Compliance Decision Support System (CDS), which assists users in determining compliance with EPA drinking water regulations other than the Total Coliform Rule (TCR), and the Enforcement Business System.

Sponsored by: Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C.

Intended for: State and Regional personnel whose responsibilities include using the SDWIS/STATE modules.

Duration: Three days.

For More Information, Contact: Clint Lemmons (lemmons.clint@epa.gov), 202-564-4623

Comments: Attendees should have attended the SDWIS/STATE Introductory User training and be proficient in the basics of SDWIS/STATE.

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SDWIS/STATE Introductory User Training

Course Description: This course teaches new students how to use the modules that are typically the first ones implemented by SDWIS/STATE users. These modules include Legal Entities, Water System Inventory, Sample Entry, Total Coliform Rule Non-Compliance Determination, Violations and Enforcement Actions.

Sponsored by: Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C.

Intended for: State and Regional personnel whose responsibilities include using the SDWIS/STATE modules.

Duration: Three days.

For More Information, Contact: Clint Lemmons (lemmons.clint@epa.gov), 202-564-4623

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SDWIS/STATE System Administrator

Course Description: This course is targeted at the individuals in a State or EPA Regional Office who are responsible for the implementation of SDWIS/STATE software in their agency. Topics discussed include data migration, permitted value list development, security, and user rights and roles.

Sponsored by: Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, U.S. EPA, Washington, D.C.

Intended for: State and Regional personnel whose responsibilities include the implementation of SDWIS/STATE software in their agency.

Duration: Three days.

For More Information, Contact: Clint Lemmons (lemmons.clint@epa.gov), 202-564-4623

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