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FY 2004 - 2005 Great Lakes National Program Office Funding Guidance - Contents

Draft List of Proposals FY 2004 - 2005

(Updated April 1, 2004)

Following is a Draft List of Proposals received in response to the FY 2004-2005 Great Lakes National Program Office Funding Guidance. Please note that in some cases the GLNPO ID number has been changed from that originally referenced in confirmation notices. These changes in no way affect the eligibility or competitiveness of those proposals -- the changes were made for bookkeeping reasons necessitated by some proposals having been submitted and/or entered more than once.

Note: This list is long.  Use your browser's "find on this page" (CTRL-F) command to search for a particular project.

If you submitted a proposal within the deadline and it does not appear in this list, please notify us immediately by sending an Email to

GL2004-001 Phase II:  GIS-based Sediment Quality Database for SLRAOC MPCA
GL2004-002 Monitoring Sediment Clean-up Effects Using Satellite Imagery U. of MN Duluth
GL2004-003 Mercury Vapor Emissions from Dental Offices Naval Institute/ Dental & Biomedical Research
GL2004-004 Economic Benefits of Sediment Remediation U. of IL
GL2004-005 Development of Waste Minimization Interventions U. of MN
GL2004-006 Seneca Bluffs Lower Terrace Habitat Restoration Erie County DEP
GL2004-007 Ohio Habitat Protection &  Restoration Opportunity Inventory ODNR
GL2004-008 Ohio Coastal Atlas ODNR
GL2004-009 Training and Mentoring in LS Basin to Reduce Hg, Dioxin City of Superior
GL2004-010 Eco-Efficiency Approach to Quantifying P2 Benefits Erie County DEP
GL2004-011 Great Lakes Water Quality - Integrating Education & Research City of Racine
GL2004-012 Rapid Biosensing & Mapping of Sediment Contaminants U. of TN
GL2004-013 Removal of Heavy Metals,  PCBs  &  Dioxin from Wastewater Clarkson University
GL2004-014 Print Book on Wild Ones 25 Year History Wild Ones Natural Landscapers
GL2004-015 Great Lakes Sediment Reduction National Assn. of Conservation Districts
GL2004-016 Impact of Ag. Underdrains on Water Quality Alma College
GL2004-017 Influence of Maumee River Plume on Toxic  Microcystis Blooms U. of Toledo
GL2004-018 Tribal LaMP and RAP Implementation Chippewa Ottawa Resource Authority
GL2004-019 St. Louis River RAP Infrastructure St. Louis River Citizens Action Committee
GL2004-020 St. Louis River/Harbor Brownfield Site Identification St. Louis River Citizens Action Committee
GL2004-021 Homeland Security Great Lakes Region Conference Spill Control Assn. of America
GL2004-022 HGM-based Wetland Classification in GIS MIDNR
GL2004-023 Mentor-on-the-Lake Wetland Creation Lake County
GL2004-024 Blocking Mercury Emission in Dental Wastewater U. of IL Chicago
GL2004-025 High-Resolution Estimates of Dreissenid Densities & Patterns GLERL NOAA
GL2004-026 Go Wild! Native Landscaping Conference Wild Ones Natural Landscapers
GL2004-027 Phytoremediation of Sediments from Indiana Harbor Canal Purdue University
GL2004-028 Binational Conservation of Great Lakes Islands Northeast-Midwest Institute
GL2004-029 Contaminant Resuspension in the Rouge from Ship Movements Wayne State University
GL2004-030 Nature-Assisted Sediment Remediation & Control  System U. of MI
GL2004-031 Reconnecting Riparian Habitats in the Bad River Watershed Bad River Watershed Assn.
GL2004-032 Building Fish Friendly Road Crossings Training Program U. of WI  Extension Service
GL2004-033 Getting the Lead Out of our Waters! Trout Unlimited
GL2004-034 Web Page -  No/Low Impact Culverts for Fish Passage USFWS
GL2004-035 Evaluation of Ruffe Impact on LakeTrout Recruitment USFWS
GL2004-036 LaMP Implementation: Lake Superior Binational Forum Northland College
GL2004-037 Great Woodstove & Fireplace Changeout North Central Hearth, Patio & Barbecue Assn.
GL2004-038 Niagara River Depositional Zone  Sediment Assessment NYSDEC
GL2004-039 Rochester AOC Sediment Investigation NYSDEC
GL2004-040 Great Lakes Sand Dune Ecosystem Mgmt Conference NY Sea Grant
GL2004-041 Toxicity Evaluation of Presque Isle Bay, PA, Sediments Gannon University
GL2004-042 Lake Michigan Ravine Restoration Lake County Forest Preserve
GL2004-043 Partnership for U.P. Native Plant Community Restoration U.P. Resource C & D  Council
GL2004-044 Changes in Lake  Erie Benthic Invertebrate Communities Heidelberg College
GL2004-045 Special Studies of Nutrient Loading to Lake Erie Heidelberg College
GL2004-046 Niagara River Tributary Database & Mapping Application USGS
GL2004-047 Private Lands Stewardship Outreach Project WDNR
GL2004-048 Kewaunee Marsh Arsenic Site Feasibility Study WDNR
GL2004-049 Manitowoc River Basin PCB Contamianted Sediment Cleanup WDNR
GL2004-050 Great Lakes Basin Open Burning Education & Outreach WDNR
GL2004-051 Invasive Plants of the Future: Mapping, Control & Monitoring WDNR
GL2004-052 Native Sedge Nursery WDNR
GL2004-053 Groundwater Contamination in Surficial Sediments MIDEQ
GL2004-054 Dioxin Like Toxicity of Environmental Media in MI MIDEQ
GL2004-055 Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in the Saginaw Bay Watershed MIDEQ
GL2004-056 Hydrilla Early Detection &  Rapid Response MIDEQ
GL2004-057 Adult Caddisflies as Environmental Indicators in Wetlands Cleveland Museum of Natural History
GL2004-058 Role Of In-Situ Spectroradiometric Data In Mapping And M Central Michigan University
GL2004-059 Recommended Strategy for Removing the Plainwell Dam Kalamazoo River Watershed Council
GL2004-060 Study Removal of Specific Dams to Restore Fish Passage New York Rivers United
GL2004-061 A GIS Assessment of Aquatic Invasive Species Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-062 Monitoring & Managing Inland Wetlands Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-063 A Regional Partnership for Great Lakes Ecosystem Restoration Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-064 Environmentally Preferable Purchasing at State Agencies Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-065 Integrating Science and Policy for Prioritizing Air Toxics Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-066 Great Lakes Regional Data Exchange Conference Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-067 Linking SOLEC Indicators to Great Lakes Monitoring Inventory Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-068 Implementing the Regional Upland Beneficial Use Framework Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-069 Assessing a Basinwide Habitat Fragmentation Partnership Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-070 Monitoring Coordination for Lake Michigan Great Lakes Commission
GL2004-071 Trail Creek Sediment Investigation Michigan City
GL2004-072 Eighteen Mile Creek RAP Coordinator Niagara County SWCD
GL2004-073 Eco & Human Health Risk Assessment for Duck & Otter Creeks Duck & Otter Creeks Partnership, Inc.
GL2004-074 Restoring Wetland Habitat in Otter Creek Watershed Duck & Otter Creeks Partnership, Inc.
GL2004-075 Landscape Approach to Develop an Invasive Free Zone USFWS
GL2004-076 Predicting Asian Carp Colonization in the Great Lakes U. of IL Champaign
GL2004-077 Mass Balance Accounting of Trace Metal Impurities U. of IL Champaign
GL2004-078 The Green Roof Viability Project - Habitat and Water Quality Ohio State Univerisity
GL2004-079 Sediment Contamination & Loading to the St Clair River St. Clair County
GL2004-080 Mercury Lake Michigan Tributaries: A 10-year Comparison U. of WI
GL2004-081 Habitat Mangement Plan for the Cuyahoga River Basin NE Ohio Four County Regional Plng & Development Org
GL2004-082 Antibiotics & Estrogens in Sediments of Lake Erie SUNY Buffalo
GL2004-083 Expanding HEN to the Eastern Great Lakes Watershed Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
GL2004-084 Great Lakes HEN Workshops Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
GL2004-085 Great Lakes HEN Publications Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
GL2004-086 A Planning Tool to Conserve Spring Stopover Sites Ducks Unlimited, Inc.
GL2004-087 Fort Covington Dam Removal Town of Fort Covington
GL2004-088 Restoring Lake Superior's Lost Coastal  Forest Sugarloaf Interpretive Center Assn
GL2004-089 Erie County Pilot Computer Recycling for CESQG's Erie County DEP
GL2004-090 Guiding Shoreline Restoration: Impact of Boat Wakes on Fish U. of MI
GL2004-091 Contaminated Sediments & Boat Generated Waves & Wakes U. of MI
GL2004-092 Web Based Tool for Pollution Management U. of MI
GL2004-093 Commercial & Residential Open Burning Abatement MPCA
GL2004-094 Making Lake Michigan Great 2004 Grand Valley State University
GL2004-095 Restoration of Native Sand Dune Plant Communities U. of WI Madison
GL2004-096 Ottawa River: Remediation Project Designs Toledo Metro Area Council of Governments
GL2004-097 Models for Invasive Viruses in the Lower Great Lakes U. of TN
GL2004-098 Test of an REA System to Measure Reactive Mercury Fluxes U. of MI
GL2004-099 Atrazine Release Reduction in the Black River Watershed Lorain County Board of Commissioners
GL2004-100 Design of an Over-Water Sampling Platform Clarkson University
GL2004-101 International Approach to Landscape Restoration US Forest Service
GL2004-102 Ottawa River: In Situ Sediment Remediation Toledo Metro Area Council of Governments
GL2004-103 Evaluating St. Louis River AOC Habitat Restoration Options U. of MN Duluth
GL2004-104 Using Capital Improvement Programs for Envr. Management NE Illinois Planning Commission
GL2004-105 GIS Habitat Model for Northeast  Wisconsin Bay-Lake Regional Planning Commission
GL2004-106 Michgan Shooting Range Stewardship Program MI  United Conservation Clubs
GL2004-107 Burn Barrel Education Through Conservation Districts MI Assn of Conservation Districts
GL2004-108 Sand Point Clean Up on Keweenaw Bay of Lake Superior Keweenaw Bay Indian Community
GL2004-109 Connecting The Coasts-Lake Superior Stewardship On The Web Friends of the Northern Great Lakes Visitor Center
GL2004-110 North American Sources of OC Pesticides to the Great Lakes Meteorological Service of Canada
GL2004-111 Vernal Pool Monitoring  Program Ohio Environmental Council
GL2004-112 Protecting Representative Ecosystems in Lake Superior Basin US Forest Service
GL2004-113 Dry Land ECGO Treatment for MN  Slip Sediments U. of MN Duluth
GL2004-114 Enhanced PCB Remediation Using MN  Magnetite & ECGO U. of MN Duluth
GL2004-115 Coastal Wetland Habitat Restoration & Exploration USGS
GL2004-116 Delisting 2 BUIs in the Saginaw River/Bay AOC Partnership for the Saginaw Bay Watershed
GL2004-117 Fish As Indicators of Healthy Coastal Habitats Grand Valley State University
GL2004-118 Establishment of Quagga Mussels in Lake Michigan U. of WI-Milwaukee
GL2004-119 Great Lakes Aquatic Nonindigenous Species Database Demo GLERL NOAA
GL2004-120 Fish Habitat Improvement & Streambank Stabilization City of Auburn Hills
GL2004-121 Mill Creek Restoration at the Mill Pond Dam Village of Dexter
GL2004-122 Ecotourism & Sprawl in PA's Lake Erie Watershed Lake Erie Region Conservancy
GL2004-123 Municipal Steam Plant Replacement Impact Study City of Duluth
GL2004-124 Evaluation of Electric Dispersal Barriers U. of IL
GL2004-125  Effects of PBDEs on Mink Reproduction & Kit Survival Michigan State University
GL2004-126 Bubbly Creek Visioning Charette City of Chicago
GL2004-127 Communicating best management practices for amalgam waste American Dental Association
GL2004-128 Enriching Awareness about Fish Contaminants Via Health Expos IL-IN Sea Grant College Program
GL2004-129 Long-Term Control of Phalaris arundinacea (L.) U. of WI Madison
GL2004-130 Impacts of Beech Bark Disease on Great Lakes Forests Michigan Technological University
GL2004-131 Unwanted Pesticide Collection in the Chicago Area IL Dept. of Agriculture
GL2004-132 Hydrophilic Xenoestrogens: Responses and Oxidative Removal Oakland University
GL2004-133 Wayne County Watersheds Habitat Restoration Campaign Wayne County
GL2004-134 Sediment Delisting, Monitoring Criteria, Presque Isle Bay PA State University/ Sea Grant
GL2004-135 Standardizing the Evaluation and Monitoring or Fish Tumors PA State University/ Sea Grant
GL2004-136 BUI Delisting Targets for the Maumee RAP Stage II Report U. of Toledo
GL2004-137 Analysis of Presettlement Vegetation: Indiana Dunes Region National Park Service
GL2004-138 Control Invasive Plants Threatening Rare Natural Communities National Park Service
GL2004-139 Rochester Embayment RAP Coordination and Implementation Monroe County
GL2004-140 Characterization of BCC's in Products from FEV POTW Monroe County
GL2004-141 Bayfield Peninsula Streams - Restoration & Monitoring Ashland Bayfield Douglas Iron County LCD
GL2004-142 Bunce Creek Sediment Remediation St. Clair County Drain Commissioner
GL2004-143 Analyzing Policies to Reduce Agriculture's Water Consumption Institute for Agriculture & Trade Policy
GL2004-144 Lake Michigan Forum Facilitation: LaMP/RAP Implementation Delta Institute
GL2004-145 Lake Erie Public Forum: LaMP/RAP Implementation Delta Institute
GL2004-146 Watershed-based STP Mercury Reduction Partnership Delta Institute
GL2004-147 Watershed-based Environmental Mapping Program Delta Institute
GL2004-148 Gary Riverfront Revival Delta Institute
GL2004-149 Habitat Toolbox for Lake Erie Coastal Development Delta Institute
GL2004-150 Environmental Risk in Great Lakes Habitats Conference Cleveland State University
GL2004-151 Watershed Planning for Cattaraugus Creek Cattaraugus County
GL2004-152 Habitat Enhancement in Lake Erie Watersheds Ohio State University
GL2004-153 Evaluating Saginaw Watershed AOC Aquatic Resource Harvest MI Dept. of Community Health
GL2004-154 Influence of Reservoir Management on Mercury in Yellow Perch Fond du Lac Reservation
GL2004-155 Sediment Removal-West Branch, Grand Calumet River Hammond Sanitary District
GL2004-156 An Ecological Restoration Toolkit for Cleveland's Lakefront EcoCity Cleveland
GL2004-157 Land Application of Biosolids as a source of PBDEs U. of WI Madison
GL2004-158 Great Lakes Ecological Restoration Demonstration Park Hudson Schools
GL2004-159 Distribution and Bioenergetics of Diporeia in Lake Superior Michigan Technological University
GL2004-160 Detection of Pathogens & Antibiotic Resistance in Beach Sand Central Michigan University
GL2004-161 Balancing Drainage & Conservation Objectives Hoosier Environmental Council
GL2004-162 Making Fish Fit to Eat Hoosier Environmental Council
GL2004-163 Great Lakes Communications Toolbox Biodiversity Project
GL2004-164 Methly Mercury Determination in Dental Wastewater U. of IL Chicago
GL2004-165 Three Models for Expanding Invasive Species Stewardship The Nature Conservancy
GL2004-166 Completing a Binational Great Lakes Conservation Blueprint The Nature Conservancy
GL2004-167 Adaptive Management for Lake Ontario The Nature Conservancy
GL2004-168 Mobilizing/Coordinating Industry GLBTS Support Council of Great Lakes Industries
GL2004-169 Toward AOC Delisting:  Utilizing Critical Stakeholder Input Council of Great Lakes Industries
GL2004-170 Enhanceing Green Technology Utilization in the GL Basin Council of Great Lakes Industries
GL2004-171 Addressing Mercury and BFR Reductions in the Great Lakes National Wildlife Federation
GL2004-172 Healthy and High-Performing School Construction Healthy Schools Campaign
GL2004-173 Reference Site/Delisting Development for St. Lawrence RAP St. Regis Mohawk Tribe
GL2004-174 Assess Relatedness Among Great Lakes Bald Eagle Nestlings U. of Arizona
GL2004-175 PCB Congener and Population Genetic Analysis  Waukegan Carp ILEPA
GL2004-176 Waukegan AOC Fill Data Gaps & Finalize Remedial Alternatives ILEPA
GL2004-177 Wastewater Affected Ground-Water Discharge to Lake Michigan USGS
GL2004-178 A Vision for Lake Michigan in NW Indiana Environment, Law &  Economics Institute
GL2004-179 Targeting Pathogen Control at WI Wastewater Facilities State of WI
GL2004-180 Effects of Polybrominated Hydrocarbons on Ecosystem Health U. of MI
GL2004-181 Dewatering/Treatment of PCB Sediments from Ashtabula River Ohio State Univeristy
GL2004-182 Functional Assessment for Bioremediation in Great Lakes AOCs Bowling Green State University
GL2004-183 Food Web Linkages Between Nearshore and Deepwater Biota USGS
GL2004-184 Marsh Monitoring Program Monitoring and Reporting in GL AOCs Bird Studies Canada
GL2004-185 Managing PCB-Contaminated Sediments Using Geotextile Caps Western Michigan University
GL2004-186 Groundwater Guidance Document for Smart Growth Planning Elkhart Lake Improvement Assn.
GL2004-187 Restoring Urban-Industrial Habitat of NW Indiana Wildlife Habitat Council
GL2004-188 PCBs, Mercury, & PAHs in Lake Erie Sediments U. of WI Milwaukee
GL2004-189 PCBs, Mirex, and Mercury in Lake Ontario Sediments U. of WI Milwaukee
GL2004-190 Pharmaceuticals Input Into Lake Erie and Lake Ontario Binghamton University
GL2004-191 Managing Impacts of Invasive Plants on Streamside Erosion Cornell University
GL2004-192 Nitrogen Loading in Lake Michigan Watersheds U. of MI
GL2004-193 Integrated Habitat Classification and Map of the Lake Erie B U. of MN Duluth
GL2004-194 Turbidity Control during Environmental Dredging Detroit River Remedial Action Plan
GL2004-195 Evaluation of Lake Sturgeon Spawning Habitat and Production USFWS
GL2004-196 Lake Superior North Shore State of the Coast Conference Arrowhead Regional Development Comm.
GL2004-197 Modeling Workshop to Understand Anoxia & HABs in Lake Erie NOAA
GL2004-198 Burn Barrel Education/Outreach for the Lake Superior Basin NW Regional Planning Commission
GL2004-199 Eliminating PBT's From Products and Waste Great Lakes United
GL2004-200 Mapping Wooded Wetlands in the Lake Michigan Coastal Zone U. of WI Green Bay
GL2004-201 PCB Concentrations in Zebra Mussels Detroit River Remedial Action Plan
GL2004-202 Youth Campground meetings Assn for the Wolf Lake Initiative
GL2004-203 Daphnia Toxicity Evaluations of Detroit River Outfalls U. of MI
GL2004-204 Impact of Ropund Gobies on JuvenileYellow Perch U. of MI
GL2004-205 Wetland Habitat Restoration for Large Esocids in Lake Erie U. of MI
GL2004-206 Passive Sampling Network for PBTs in the Chicago Area U. of IL Chicago
GL2004-207 Emissions Fluxes of PCB and PBTs from Contaminated Sites U. of IL Chicago
GL2004-208 Watershed & Community Planning, Making the Connection NE MI Council of Governments
GL2004-209 Avoidance of Bighead Carp to Low Dissolved Oxygen Midwest Biodiversity Institute, Inc.
GL2004-210 Model of PCB Transport and Fate in Lake Michigan Midwest Biodiversity Institute, Inc.
GL2004-211 Asian Carp Marketability: A Non-human Dietary Protein Source Midwest Biodiversity Institute, Inc.
GL2004-212 Pre-approved Chemicals Used Against Aquatic Nuisance Species Midwest Biodiversity Institute, Inc.
GL2004-213 Benchmarks of Sediment Quality for the Great Lakes Midwest Biodiversity Institute, Inc.
GL2004-214 Accelerating Phaseout of PCBs: Supplemental Funding Tellus Institute
GL2004-215 Sources of Perfluorochemicals to the Great Lakes U. of MN
GL2004-216 Deployment of a Prototype Monitoring Buoy for HABs SUNY College Environ. Sci. & Forestry
GL2004-217 Nearshore Aquatic Habitats - Water Levels & Climate Change U. of  Windsor
GL2004-218 Assessing Sediment Links to Hg Biouptake at Deer Lake AOC U. of WI Madison
GL2004-219 Solving the Mystery of PCBs in Central Lake Superior U. of IL Chicago
GL2004-220 Sources of PBDEs in Chicago U. of IL Chicago
GL2004-221 PBDEs in Sewage Sludge U. of IL  Chicago
GL2004-222 Tributary Contributions to the Total BFRs in the Great Lakes U. of IL Chicago
GL2004-223 L. Erie  Dreissenid Distribution, Abundance &  Biomass U. of  WIndsor
GL2004-224 Lake Erie Millennium Network Biennial Conference Support U. of Windsor
GL2004-225 PCB Bioaccumulation & Novel Nondestructive Avian Biomarkers U. of Windsor
GL2004-226 Assessment of AOC Sediments for Activated Carbon Treatment U. of MD  Baltimore County
GL2004-227 Spatial Investigation of Residential Energy Consumption U. of IL
GL2004-228 Marquette Park Lagoon Habitat Restoration Project Gary Sanitary District
GL2004-229 Development of a Web-based Lake Ontario Toxics Database U. at Buffalo
GL2004-230 Whittlesey Creek Sediment Transport Study Trout Unlimited
GL2004-231 Understanding the Habitat Connection for Coaster Brook Trout Trout Unlimited
GL2004-232 Buffalo River Blue Tower Basin Sediment Remediation Planning Friends of the Buffalo Niagara Rivers
GL2004-233 Cayuga, Bergholtz and Black Creek PCB  Trackdown Friends of the Buffalo Niagara Rivers
GL2004-234 Buffalo River RAP Coordination Friends of the Buffalo Niagara Rivers
GL2004-235 Open Waste Burning Elimination in New York State Cancer Action NY
GL2004-236 Link Between Benthic Algae and Hypoxia in Lake Erie PA State University
GL2004-237 Delisting Targets for the Muskegon and White Lake AOCs Annis Water Resources Institute
GL2004-238 SOAR Energy Ohio Environmental Council
GL2004-239 Distribution and Impact of A New Exotic Marine Macroalga Michigan State University
GL2004-240 Polymer-Layered Silicate Nanocomposites to Replace PBDPs U. of WI Green Bay
GL2004-241 Analysis of organic contaminants in the Niagara River AOC Niagara University
GL2004-242 Spatial analysis of contaminants in the Niagara River AOC Niagara University
GL2004-243 A Sediment Trend Analysis of the Buffalo River AOC SUNY/Buffalo State College
GL2004-244 Living Machines in the Greater Detroit River Watershed Attic Productions
GL2004-245 Chemical Free Farming, Gardening, and Lawn Care Education Duluth Community Garden Program
GL2004-246 Sediment Assessment of Ecorse Creek American Indian Services, Inc.
GL2004-247 Innovative, Instream Methods for Stable Channel Restoration U. of WI Madison
GL2004-248 Ecological Impact of Round Goby on the Lake Huron Food Web USFWS
GL2004-249 Lake Sturgeon Spawning at a Remediation Site USFWS
GL2004-250 Evaluation of Invasive Impacts on Lake Sturgeon Recruitment USFWS
GL2004-251 Round Goby Investigations on Lake Trout Spawning Reefs USFWS
GL2004-252 Comparison of Near & Offshore Goby Populations in L. Huron USFWS
GL2004-253 Potential Bottlenecks in Great Lakes Lake Trout Recruitment USFWS
GL2004-254 Nearshore Habitat Inventory and Mapping in Lake Michigan Michigan State University
GL2004-255 Model Sustainable Schools Project MN Office of Environmental Assistance
GL2004-256 Community-based NPS P2:The need for the RiverSafe Carwash RiverSides Stewardship Alliance
GL2004-257 Setting Delisting Targets for the Grand CalumetAOC IDEM
GL2004-258 Detroit River Congress Friends of the Detroit River
GL2004-259 State of the Straits Conference Friends of the Detroit River
GL2004-260 Indicator Reporting for the Detroit River Ecosystem Greater Detroit American Heritage River Initiative
GL2004-261 Assessments of PCBs During the High and Low Flows U. of WI Madison
GL2004-262 The Effects of PBDEs on Mink Reproduction and Kit Survival Michigan State University
GL2004-263 Wild Rice: Cultivation, Culture and Conservation U. of WI- Madison
GL2004-264 Role of Sediments in Maumee Bay Bacterial Pollution U. of Toledo
GL2004-265 Door County Invasive Species Program Door County WI



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