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Significant Activities: June 2004 (PDF) (166Kb, 3pp, About PDF)

Significant Activities Report:
June 2004

Mudpuppy in High Gear

photo: R/V Mudpuppy collects sediment core samples
R/V Mudpuppy collects sediment core samples

The Great Lakes National Program Office’s 32-foot sediment sampling boat, the R/V Mudpuppy, swung into high gear for the 2004 sampling season, working at three sites in June. 

The R/V Mudpuppy began it’s June work in the Detroit River. From June 14th to 18th, the Mudpuppy was in the Riverview, Michigan vicinity to collect sediment samples at the Firestone Steel site on the Trenton Channel of the Detroit River.  The sampling was conducted as part of a collaborative effort between GLNPO and the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to assess and evaluate the magnitude and extent of contaminated sediments at the Firestone Steel site.  The results of the sampling effort will be used in a remedial alternatives analysis.  The Mudpuppy was used to collect 14 sediment cores and 9 ponar grab samples that will be analyzed for a comprehensive physical, chemical, and biological evaluation.

Contacts: Mary Beth Ross, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 886-2253
Mari Nord, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-4383

Next, the Mudpuppy moved a bit north, to Mt. Clemens, Michigan from June 21st to 23rd to provide field support to Oakland University and Wayne State University researchers for a sediment survey in the Clinton River Area of Concern.  The agencies collected 20 sediment cores, 5 ponar surface sediment grab samples, and 5 water samples.  The samples will be radio-dated and analyzed for a wide variety of contaminants to assess the impact of contaminated sediments on water quality and ecosystem health within the Area of Concern.  The radio-dating will provide insight into the extent of mixing within the sediment column.  The ultimate goal of the study is to identify priority sites for potential sediment remediation.  This study is partially funded through a FY2003 GLNPO grant to Oakland University.

Contact: Scott Cieniawski, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-9184

Finally, the Mudpuppy returned to the Detroit River on June 24th and 25th to support the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) in a sediment survey on the Detroit River.  The field team collect five sediment cores in the Rouge River turning

basin to obtain data for evaluating reasonableness of a potential remedial alternative proposed for the turning basin.  Additionally, seven sediment cores were collected from the Ford boat slip, downstream to Dix Avenue in order to evaluate the extent of sediment contamination throughout the river.  Samples will be analyzed by Michigan DEQ for a wide variety of organic and inorganic chemical constituents.

Contact: Scott Cieniawski, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-9184

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Lake Michigan Lakewide Management Plan logo
Lake Michigan Lakewide Management Plan Logo

Coordinating Lake Monitoring 

The Lake Michigan Monitoring Coordinating Council sponsored 3 days of workshops on June 8th to 10th, at Grand Valley State University's Lake Michigan Center in Muskegon, Michigan. 

The first day focused on the results of the Lake Michigan Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Survey and next steps.  It was decided that ANS monitoring needed to be coordinated and, whenever possible, added to existing monitoring programs rather than establishing a new monitoring program.  A number of ANS local-monitoring programs were presented at the conference and it was decided that these programs were models that should be shared. 

The second day featured current Lakewide Management Plan initiatives and the status of the Lake Michigan Mass Balance project.  The final day was used to collaboratively plan the 2005 Lake Michigan intensive monitoring year, which will be funded by Lake Michigan grant dollars and will be further leveraged by efforts by the States and by the U.S. Geological Survey.

Contact: Judy Beck, U.S. EPA - Region 5 (312) 353-3849

Lake Michigan Mass Balance Mercury Data Report cover
Lake Michigan Mass Balance Mercury Data Report cover

Lake Michigan Mercury Data 

The Mercury data report from the Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study is available on line:


Contact: Lou Blume, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 353-2317


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U.S. Policy Committee Meets 

On June 28th, in Chicago, Illinois, U.S. EPA-GLNPO and Illinois EPA co-chaired the U.S. Policy Committee (USPC) meeting. The USPC is a forum of senior-level representatives from the Federal, State, and Tribal agencies responsible for environmental and natural resources management of the Great Lakes. Highlights from the agenda include: the new Executive Order on the Great Lakes, implementation of the Great Lakes Strategy, updates on the Governor's Priorities and Annex 2001, update on International Joint Commission activities, progress at Areas of Concern including the implementation of the Great Lakes Legacy Act, and preparations for the Binational Executive Committee meeting in July.

Contact: Mark Elster, U.S. EPA - GLNPO (312) 886-3857


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November 30 Great Lakes Binational Toxics Strategy Stakeholder Forum: Chicago, IL


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