[Acoustics] Replacing filtered ADV data

Richardson K. K.Richardson at soton.ac.uk
Fri May 30 05:17:19 CDT 2008

Dear All,

I am involved in a turbulence study using ADV data. We are going to be filtering the data for spikes, low correlation and low SNR and then replacing the filtered data with cubic polynomial interpolation through 12 points on either side of the filtered points, as suggested by Goring & Nikora 2002 ("Despiking acoustic Doppler velocimeter data", Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol 128, p.117-126).  I would be very interested to find out if there is any open access software available for data replacement using this method. WinADV has a filtering routine, but does not allow the user to replace the filtered data.

Many thanks.

Dr. Keith Richardson
RCUK Academic Fellow

School of Geography
University of Southampton
SO17 1BJ
United Kingdom

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