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CAFO Rule History

This page outlines the events leading to EPA’s current CAFO regulations.

2008 Final CAFO Rule

NPDES and Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Standards for CAFOs Final Rule (PDF) (240 pp, 863K) - The EPA Administrator signed the final NPDES regulations and ELG for CAFOs on October 31, 2008. An official version of these regulations will be posted when published in the Federal Register.

2006 and 2007 Final Rules for Extension of Compliance Dates for CAFOs

Extension of Certain Compliance Dates for the CAFO NPDES Program - A final rule issued July 18, 2007 extended the deadline, establishing February 27, 2009 as the new date for newly defined CAFOs to seek NPDES permit coverage and for permitted CAFOs to develop and implement nutrient management plans (NMPs) as required by EPA’s 2003 CAFO rule. EPA revised the dates previously extended to July 31, 2007 (71 FR 6978), from the compliance date of December 31, 2006 established in the 2003 regulations, to allow time to finalize the regulations in response to the Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Waterkeeper Alliance et al. v. EPA, 399 F.3d 486 (2nd Cir. 2005).

2006 and 2008 Proposed CAFO Rules

Supplemental Proposal to the 2006 Proposed Rule Information at this link provided for reference purposes only - EPA proposed additional options being considered for inclusion in the rulemaking to respond to the changes required by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals decision in Waterkeeper Alliance et al. v. EPA. This action supplemented the June 2006 proposal to revise the NPDES permitting requirements and Effluent Limitations Guidelines (ELGs) for CAFOs. EPA proposed a voluntary option for CAFOs to certify to the permitting authority that they do not discharge or propose to discharge and therefore do not need NPDES permit coverage. The Agency also proposed a framework for identifying the terms of the nutrient management plan (NMP) and offered three alternative approaches for addressing application rates of manure, litter, and process wastewater when identifying terms of the NMP to be included in the permit.

2006 Proposed Rule Information at this link provided for reference purposes only - On June 30, 2006, EPA published a proposed rule to revise several aspects of the Agency’s regulations governing discharges from CAFOs in response to the Waterkeeper decision. EPA proposed to require only owners or operators of those CAFOs that discharge or propose to discharge to seek permit coverage. EPA also proposed to require CAFOs seeking authorization to discharge under individual permits to submit their NMPs with their permit applications or, under general permits, with their notices of intent. Permitting authorities would be required to review the NMP and provide the public with an opportunity for meaningful public review and comment. Permitting authorities would also be required to incorporate terms of the NMP as NPDES permit conditions. The proposed rule also addressed the remand of issues for further clarification and analysis. These issues concern clarifications regarding the applicability of water quality-based effluent limitations (WQBELs); new source performance standards for swine, poultry, and veal CAFOs; and "best conventional technology" effluent limitations guidelines for fecal coliform.

Public Meetings (2006)

Public Meetings on the CAFO Proposed Rule (2006) Information at this link provided for reference purposes only - EPA held a series of public meetings on the 2006 proposed CAFO regulations. The purpose of the meetings was to enhance public understanding of the 2006 proposed regulations for CAFOs. The meetings were not a mechanism for submitting formal comments on the proposal. The following are paraphrased summaries of the issues raised at the public meetings.

2005 Second Circuit Court Decision on CAFOs

Second Circuit Court Decision on CAFOs - On February 28, 2005, the Second Circuit issued its decision in Waterkeeper Alliance et al. v. EPA, 399 F.3d 486.

2003 Final CAFO Rule

NPDES and Effluent Limitation Guidelines and Standards for CAFOs Final Rule (Some parts of the 2003 final rule are still applicable but other parts are now superceded by the 2008 final rule. Please see the CAFO Final Rule page for more information.) - The EPA Administrator signed the final NPDES regulations and ELG for CAFOs on December 15, 2002 and the 2003 CAFO Final Rule was published in the Federal Register on February 12, 2003. A number of outreach materials associated with the 2003 CAFO Final Rule are available.

2001 Proposed CAFO Rule

Proposed CAFO Preamble and Rule (2000) Information at this link provided for reference purposes only - The EPA Administrator signed proposed revisions to the NPDES regulations and ELG for CAFOs.

Notice of Data Availability (2002 and 2001)

Notice of Data Availability (2002) Information at this link provided for reference purposes only - EPA published a second Notice of Data Availability to make additional data and potential changes available for public review and comment (67 FR 48099).

Notice of Data Availability (2001) Information at this link provided for reference purposes only - EPA published a Notice of Data Availability to summarize certain data received in public comments on the proposed rule and describe how these data might be used in developing final CAFO regulations (66 FR 58556).

Public Meetings (2001)

Public Meetings on the CAFO Proposed Rule (2001) Information at this link provided for reference purposes only - EPA conducted nine public meetings on the 2001 proposed CAFO regulations. The purpose of the meetings was to enhance public understanding of the 2001 proposed regulations for CAFOs. The meetings were not a mechanism for submitting formal comments on the proposal. They involved a brief presentation by EPA officials on the proposed regulations followed by a question and answer session.

1999 Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations and Listening Sessions

Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations Information at this link provided for reference purposes only - USDA and EPA held public listening sessions on the draft Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations in 1998 and released the final Unified National Strategy for Animal Feeding Operations in 1999.

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Last updated on October 31, 2008 1:37 PM