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Sanitary Sewer Overflow Federal Advisory Subcommittee


In the fall of 1994, EPA initiated a stakeholder process to address factual and policy issues related to SSOs; this process included the formation of a Federal Advisory Committee, or FAC. The FAC was the primary means for EPA to solicit stakeholder input as it developed the SSO Rule. There were five general categories of stakeholders who were represented on the FAC. These were:

  • Sanitary sewer system operators;
  • SSO-related health professionals;
  • State regulatory agencies;
  • Technical professionals; and
  • Environmental and other citizen groups.

In 1995, EPA decided to incorporate the development of an SSO Rule in a more comprehensive effort to address the water quality impacts from urban wet weather flows. As a result, the Urban Wet Weather Flows Federal Advisory Committee was formed to identify and evaluate issues associated with water quality and other impacts from wet weather in a municipal setting. Two subcommittees were established under the Urban Wet Weather Flows Federal Advisory Committee: the Phase II Storm Water Subcommittee, and the SSO Policy Dialogue Subcommittee also known as the SSO Subcommittee.

This SSO Subcommittee examines the need for national consistency in permitting and enforcement, effective sewer operation and maintenance principles, public notification for SSOs with potential health or environmental dangers, and other public policy issues. EPA carefully considers the Subcommittee's recommendations for regulatory and nonregulatory actions to reduce SSOs nationally.

The SSO Subcommittee has identified the need for EPA to work with technical trade organizations, States, and local governments to develop a range of tools, including but not limited to fact sheets, guidance documents, technical publications, and funding resources for SSO abatement. The toolbox described by the SSO Subcommittee would serve as the primary reference for municipalities looking to EPA for assistance in implementing the SSO rule in an efficient and cost-effective manner.


Key Issues Identified by the SSO Subcommittee

Summary of SSO Subcommittee Activities

Contact Information for SSO Subcommittee Members [PDF Format]

Charter for the SSO Federal Advisory Subcommittee [TEXT Format]

Draft Action Plan for the SSOs Federal Advisory Subcommittee [PDF Format]

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