[Acoustics] depthsounder/DGPS use

John Fenwick j.fenwick at niwa.co.nz
Tue Nov 26 09:59:18 CST 2002

Hi Neil,

We use Tritech altimeters with both WinRiver and HYDROpro, the 
latter being hydrographic software from Trimble.  

The Tritech altimeter costs somewhere in the range $US 2200 - 
$2700 if I've got the currency conversions right.  To interface with 
WinRiver you need to order the output as NMEA DBT, free running.

I'm pretty sure you can't acquire data with WinRiver without an 
ADCP attached, though it's probably possible to have it running 
undeployed (say inside the boat) collecting "bad" data while 
WinRiver collects nav data from the sounder and DGPS.  I've 
thought of collecting bathymetry data this way, but haven't because 
HYDROpro makes more usable files.

This will accept a number of sounder outputs, including the NMEA 
one above.  And DGPS of course.  



To:             	acoustics at simon.er.usgs.gov
From:           	"Neil Kamal Ganju" <nganju at usgs.gov>
Subject:        	[Acoustics] depthsounder/DGPS use
Date sent:      	Mon, 25 Nov 2002 09:27:39 -0800

> We have been doing bathymetry mapping with our ADCP/DGPS/laptop, but we do 
> not need velocity data, and therefore are trying to formulate a cheaper 
> system. I have read on the acoustics email list about the Tritech 
> altimeter, and I was wondering about the cost, similar products, and if 
> the altimeter could be interfaced to the PC along with the DGPS without 
> WinRiver (or with WinRiver and no ADCP). Any advice is appreciated. Thanks 
> in advance, and Happy Thanksgiving...
> Neil K. Ganju
> U.S. Geological Survey
> Placer Hall
> 6000 J Street
> Sacramento, CA  95819-6129
> (916) 278 3117, (916) 207 2206
> nganju at usgs.gov

John Fenwick
Quality Manager/Hydrologist
National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA)
P O Box 8602
New Zealand

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