[Acoustics] depthsounder/DGPS use

Neil Kamal Ganju nganju at usgs.gov
Mon Nov 25 09:27:39 CST 2002

We have been doing bathymetry mapping with our ADCP/DGPS/laptop, but we do 
not need velocity data, and therefore are trying to formulate a cheaper 
system. I have read on the acoustics email list about the Tritech 
altimeter, and I was wondering about the cost, similar products, and if 
the altimeter could be interfaced to the PC along with the DGPS without 
WinRiver (or with WinRiver and no ADCP). Any advice is appreciated. Thanks 
in advance, and Happy Thanksgiving...

Neil K. Ganju
U.S. Geological Survey
Placer Hall
6000 J Street
Sacramento, CA  95819-6129
(916) 278 3117, (916) 207 2206
nganju at usgs.gov
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