[Acoustics] edge distance with remote controlled boat

Stephen W Lipscomb lipscomb at usgs.gov
Wed Oct 2 07:52:43 CDT 2002


We've had good luck with our Impulse LR100 by Laser Technology Inc. that
has a range of 500 m depending on your target. The manufacturer claims 5 cm
accuracy at 150 m and 15 cm accuracy at 500 m. A small targeting scope with
laser pointer is included and an optional high-powered scope can be added
if desired. Another option is a inclinometer for measuring vertical angles.
This is a nice feature for quick and dirty surveys of the out-of-water
portion of a channel cross section. They're a little on the spendy side
though. I think on the order of $2-3k as I recall. The manufacturer's Web
site is www.lasertech.com.


                      "Henry J Zajd Jr."                                                       
                      <hzajd at usgs.gov>               To:      "Chad R Wagner"                  
                      Sent by:                       <cwagner at usgs.gov>                        
                      acoustics-admin at simon.         cc:      acoustics at simon.er.usgs.gov      
                      er.usgs.gov                    Subject: Re: [Acoustics] edge distance    
                                                     with remote controlled boat               
                      10/02/2002 06:00 AM                                                      

Chad, Todd and John
                                          I see what you are referring to
now, so here is the next question. What kind of range finder can shoot over
300 feet and hit a small moving target and also some other target  that is
even farther away? I purchased a Leica (under 200 feet range) range finder
that at times is very difficult to hit what you want to hit on the
shoreline. By this I mean I am looking at a tree or section of the bank and
feel that the distance is in the 30 foot range and I get a read out of 60
plus feet. Does the range finders you guys are referring to have some kind
of scope or camera/cross hairs viewing screen to actually see what you want
to hit for your distances. As you can infer, I have not needed nor  have
much experience with long distance range finders, so any suggestions are
greatly appreciated. As always thanks for the feedback.


                      Chad R Wagner

                                               To:      "Henry J Zajd Jr."
<hzajd at usgs.gov>
                      10/01/2002 03:06         cc:
acoustics at simon.er.usgs.gov

                      PM                       Subject: Re: [Acoustics]
edge distance with remote controlled boat(Document link: Henry
                                               J Zajd Jr.)

Hank, I think what John meant was to actually shoot a distance (with a
laser range finder) from the accessible bank to the inaccessible bank and
then to the remote controlled boat.  The difference between the two
measurements made from the accessible bank will give you a pretty good
estimate of the "far side" shore distance (assuming you have a good target
on both the far bank and the boat).

Chad R. Wagner
Hydraulic Engineer
U.S. Geological Survey
9818 Bluegrass Parkway
Louisville, KY 40299-1906
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Phone: (502) 493-1912
Fax: (502) 493-1909
e-mail: cwagner at usgs.gov

                      "Henry J Zajd Jr."

                      <hzajd at usgs.gov>               To:      John Goodson
<jgoodson at sfwmd.gov>
                      Sent by:                       cc:
acoustics at simon.er.usgs.gov

                      acoustics-admin at simon.         Subject: Re:
[Acoustics] edge distance with remote controlled boat

                      10/01/2002 01:27 PM

                 My question stems from the idea that you can NOT get to
the far side at all!  Then what do you do??  The one side has access, while
the other has very little and when winter comes around we have snow to deal
with. When we can make a "regular" ADCP motor boat, this is obviously not a
                 So I repeat what can you do when you can only start from
one side  and can't get to the other to set a mark or "shoot" the boat as
it comes close to shore. Dave M, Kevin, Victor or anyone else - what are
your suggestions for this situation???


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