Publication Citation

USGS Series Water Supply Paper
Report Number 2419
Title The occurrence and transport of agricultural pesticides in the Tuttle Creek lake-stream system, Kansas and Nebraska
Edition -
Language ENGLISH
Author(s) Bevans, Hugh E.; Fromm, Carla Hyde; Watkins, Sharon A.
Year 1995
Originating office
USGS Library Call Number (200) G no.2419
Physical description iv, 34 p. :ill., maps ;28 cm.; 1 plate in pocket

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Median monthly atrazine concentrations detected in surface-water samples from the Big Blue River basin (1977-86) exceeded the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency health-advisory level (3.0 micrograms per liter) during May through September. Herbicide loads transported from the basin in 1986, expressed in tons and in percentage of amount applied, were alachlor (1.2 tons, 0.23 percent), atrazine (19 tons, 2.2 percent), and metolachlor (2.2 tons, 2.7 percent).