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C2P2 Member Services

C2P2 Logo

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

Information and services offered exclusively to C2P2 members.

Awards Applications

The next C2P2 Awards Ceremony will take place at the ACAA 40th Anniversary annual meeting in June of 2008 in Washington, DC.  Check the C2P2 website in coming months for the exact date and further information on submitting awards nominations

Guidelines for Submitting Case Studies

C2P2 is looking for information and supporting materials detailing initiatives related to the increased utilization of CCPs to expand its library of case studies. If your organization would like to be considered for a case study, please share your story with C2P2. Submissions should be e-mailed to the C2P2 Information Center (WasteWise@icfi.com).

C2P2 Logo

Download the C2P2 Logo and Access Guidelines for its Use

Using the C2P2 Logo

Within your organization, using the C2P2 logo can help you educate employees about your participation in C2P2 and motivate them to contribute to your efforts. Externally, the logo will let people know that your organization is more than simply concerned about the environment, it is committed to environmental improvement.

Before you use the C2P2 logo, please take a minute to review the guidelines for use (PDF) (4 pp, 317K). If you have any questions about using the logo or when to use the disclaimer, please e-mail the C2P2 Information Center (WasteWise@icfi.com) or call (800) EPA-WISE (372-9473).

Downloading the C2P2 Logo

To download any of the images below, use your mouse's right button to select the link of your choice. A small menu will pop up beside the mouse pointer. To download the file, Microsoft Explorer users should select "Save Target As" from this menu. Netscape Navigator users should select the "Save Link Target As" option.

JPEG Format

The JPEG format is often used for adding images to Web pages, but your word processing application also might be able to use this format. If you would like to place the logo in a word processing document, try using the JPEG image first.

EPS Format

The EPS format (Photoshop) can be used as a high-quality image in desktop publishing programs, and can be enlarged to any size without loss of quality. However, you may have difficulty using them with word processing programs.

PDF Format

If your word processing application does not support these formats, you may choose to download the logo in PDF format (1 pg, 33K) using Adobe Acrobat. The PDF file opens into a 1-page poster.

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