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Health Assessment Document for Diesel Emissions (External Review Draft)

Note: EPA has updated this document, but this version is provided as a courtesy to the public as a matter of public record.

Federal Register Notices
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This draft document has been superseded by a later draft version of the document: Health Assessment Document for Diesel Exhaust EPA/600/8-90/057E July 2000. This page and document are provided for your perusal to review the document development history.

This revised draft assessment of the possible health hazards from human exposure to diesel engine exhaust emissions updates two earlier drafts (1998 and 1994) that were reviewed by the Agency's Science Advisory Board (SAB) Clean Air Scientific Advisory Committee (CASAC). The current draft assessment focuses on health hazards (hazard identification and dose-response analysis for the purpose of characterizing the risk of diesel exhaust exposure), and also provides background information about diesel engine emissions and exposure that is useful for putting the health information into context. EPA risk assessment methods and practices have been followed in identifying possible human chronic health hazards for adverse noncancer effects as well as carcinogenicity hazards. This assessment will undergo another review by the CASAC in December of 1999, and, following a consideration of comments, a final document will be issued. The date, times, and location of the CASAC review will be published in the Federal Register.

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Health Assessment Document for Diesel Emissions (External Review Draft). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington Office, Washington, DC, EPA/600/8-90/057D, 1999.
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